Rule 7 - Transcript Format Rules1. Transcripts shall contain no fewer than 32 typed lines, exclusive of the page number, on legal 8 1/2 x 14 paper.2. Transcripts shall contain no fewer than 9 or 10 characters to the typed inch (Pica type).3. The left-hand margin of transcripts shall be set at no more than 1 inch.4. The right-hand margin of transcripts shall be set at no more than 1 inch.5. Each question and answer shall begin on a separate line.6. Each question and answer shall begin at the left-hand margin, with no more than five spaces from the question and answer to the text.7. Carryover question and answer lines shall begin at the left-hand margin.8. Colloquy material shall begin no more than 15 spaces from the left-hand margin, with carryover lines commencing no more than 10 spaces from the left-hand margin.9. Quoted material shall begin no more than 15 spaces from the left-hand margin, with carryover lines commencing no more than 10 spaces from the left-hand margin.10. Parentheticals and exhibit markings shall begin no more than 15 spaces from the left-hand margin.11. There shall be at least a one inch bottom margin.