Ky. Admin. P. Ct. Justice. 24

As amended through December 19, 2024
Section 24 - [Effective until 1/1/2025] Monitoring and Evaluation of Drug Courts

Drug courts are committed to ensuring fidelity to Best Practice Standards and will measure their effectiveness through the following practices:

(1) Reviewing drug court outcomes by monitoring participant enrollment in and attendance to scheduled appointments, drug and alcohol test results, graduation rates, lengths of stay, in-program technical violations, and new arrests;
(2) Monitoring recidivism rates, including new arrests, new convictions, and new incarcerations, for at least two years following each participant's exit from the drug court;
(3) Participating in independent evaluations of adherence to best practices and participant outcomes, and developing and implementing remedial action plans based on the recommendations of the evaluator, in order to address deficiencies with fidelity;
(4) Continually monitoring admission rates, services delivered, and outcomes achieved for members of groups that have historically experienced discrimination;
(5) Creating remedial action plan(s) to correct disparities and examine the success of the remedial actions; and
(6) Maintaining an electronic database, known as the Management Information System (MIS), to track participant engagement, program outcomes, and provide real-time program statistics.

Ky. Admin. P. Ct. Justice. 24

Adopted by Order 2022-50, eff. 3/1/2023.