Part VI - Procedures for Court Reporting
- Section 1 - Applicability of the personnel policies to reporters-Deleted
- Section 2 - Custody of notes and exhibits-Deleted
- Section 3 - Free-lance reporting-Deleted
- Section 4 - Transcription fees-Deleted
- Section 5.01 - Transcription fees-Deleted
- Section 5.02 - Procedures for filing claims-Deleted
- Section 5.03 - Procedure for processing claims-Deleted
- Section 6.01 - Per diem-Deleted
- Section 6.02 - Procedures for appointment and compensation of substitute reporters-Deleted
- Section 7 - Recording court proceedings-Deleted
- Section 8 - Policies and procedures for transcribing district court tapes-Deleted
- Section 9 - Circuits with two or more court reporters-Deleted