Kan. R. Jud. Dist., 10th Judicial District, Rules of Decorum

As amended through December 16, 2024
Rules of Decorum

Notwithstanding any other provisions the individual courts may make pursuant to their inherent powers to maintain the order and dignity of the courts, the following rules of decorum for matters heard in any court of this district are hereby adopted:

1. When appearing in court all attorneys shall be suitably attired.
2. Counsel shall stand at counsel table or the speaker's podium to address the court, witnesses or jurors, unless allowed to do otherwise by permission of the court.
3. All attorneys and parties appearing in any hearing shall use an entrance door to the courtroom as directed by the judge of that division.
4. When interrogating a witness, including a party, or speaking of a witness, counsel shall not use first names, but shall always use surnames.
5. Counsel shall have exhibits marked prior to trial or hearing.
6. The same attorney shall conduct the examination of and any objections pertaining to a witness.

Kan. R. Jud. Dist., 10th Judicial District, Rules of Decorum