Iowa R. Juv. Ct. Serv. Direct. Prog., PREAMBLE

As amended through December 17, 2024
[1] Iowa Code section 232.192 (as enacted by HF 2507, effective July 1, 2023) provides that juvenile court services shall administer "early intervention and follow-up programs." Historically, the legislature has appropriated funds for such programs using the term "juvenile delinquent graduated sanctions services." These rules are intended to effectuate Iowa Code section 232.192 and apply to the appropriation historically termed "juvenile delinquent graduated sanctions services."
[2] These rules prescribe services for eligible children from funds appropriated specifically for juvenile court services directed programs. The state court administrator, the director of juvenile court services, and the chief juvenile court officers have primary responsibility for the administration of early intervention and follow-up programs/graduated sanctions and noncontracted/court-ordered services for eligible children. These funds may also be used to enhance the education and performance of those employees who are directly involved with the clients and their programs.
[3] These rules, pursuant to the authority granted in the Iowa Code and annual appropriations acts, prescribe the relationship between the state court administrator, the director of juvenile court services, and the chief juvenile court officer from each judicial district in the administration of the funds for the juvenile court services directed programs. These rules establish the criteria for the allocation of funds and the procedures for the administration, eligibility, contracting, billing and payment, application, and service delivery for early intervention and follow-up programs/graduated sanctions and noncontracted/court-ordered services. In addition, these rules detail expenses that are eligible for reimbursement from the noncontracted/court-ordered service allocation as well as the expenses that are ineligible for reimbursement. The lists are intended to be exhaustive.
[4] The early intervention and follow-up programs/graduated sanctions services are services to be provided to children adjudicated delinquent and to children who have been referred to juvenile court services for a delinquency violation or who have exhibited behaviors that put them at risk of a juvenile delinquency referral. The services are directed to enhance personal adjustment to help the children transition into productive adulthood and to prevent or reduce criminal charges, out-of-home placement, and recidivism. The services are provided in the child's home community whenever feasible. These services may be provided in an individual or group setting and can include, but are not limited to, supervised educational support and treatment and outreach services to eligible children who are experiencing social, behavioral, or emotional problems that put them at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system. This mix of services allows the flexibility to tailor treatment and services to meet the specific needs of the child. A program for a child may be funded from multiple sources, but the funding sources may not duplicate or overlap. The components and activities shall be outlined in the contract. Services offered may provide individualized and intensive interventions to assist a child in establishing positive behavior patterns and to help the child maintain accountability in a community-based setting.

Iowa. R. Juv. Ct. Serv. Direct. Prog., PREAMBLE