COMMENT: Rule 6.903(1)(b). Parties may include images useful to the appellate courts, such as boundary-dispute maps, accident-reconstruction diagrams, and particularly relevant photographs. Parties are discouraged from including or seeking leave to include gratuitous or inflammatory images, such as autopsy photos, photos depicting injuries or bodily fluids, and other images that unnecessarily invade the privacy of a party or other person.
COMMENT: Rule 6.903(2)(a)(8)(3). Under rule 6.903(2)(a)(8)(3), an issue may be deemed waived by failure to cite applicable authority in support of an argument. If a party intends to raise a state constitutional issue independent of a federal constitutional issue, ordinarily the party should make a separate argument supported by citation to authority to avoid waiving the issue under rule 6.903(2)(a)(8)(3).
Iowa. R. App. P. 6.903