Scope of Application

As amended through September 20, 2024
Scope of Application
1. Generally. These Guidelines are applicable to all child custody situations, including paternity cases and cases involving joint legal custody where one person has primary physical custody. However, they are not applicable to situations involving family violence, substance abuse, risk of flight with a child, or any other circumstances the court reasonably believes endanger the child's physical health or safety, or significantly impair the child's emotional development. In such cases one or both parents may have legal, psychological, substance abuse or emotional problems that may need to be addressed before these Guidelines can be employed. The type of help that is needed in such cases is beyond the scope of these Guidelines.
2. Amendments. Existing parenting time orders on the date of adoption of these amendments shall be enforced according to the parenting time guidelines that were in effect on the date the most recent parenting time order was issued. Changes to the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines do not alone constitute good cause for amendment of an existing parenting time order; however, a court or parties to a proceeding may refer to these guidelines in making changes to a parenting time order after the effective date of the guidelines.


Parents who agree that current changes to the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines are in their child's best interests should file their written agreement with the court for approval. Parents may agree to some or all of the changes to the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines and should be specific in their written agreement.

3. Presumption. There is a presumption that the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines are applicable in all cases. Deviations from these Guidelines by either the parties or the court that result in parenting time less than the minimum time set forth below must be accompanied by a written explanation indicating why the deviation is necessary or appropriate in the case. A court is not required to give a written explanation as to why a parent is awarded more time with the child than the minimum in these guidelines.


The written explanation need not be as formal as Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; however, it must state the reason(s) for the deviation. Because the parenting time guidelines are minimum standards, it is recommended parents and courts not "default" to these guidelines in lieu of a consideration of the best parenting time plan.

Amended January 1, 2020, effective 3/19/2021.; amended October 5, 2021, effective 1/1/2022