Ind. Admin. R. 7

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 7 - Judicial Retention Schedules
A.Authority to Dispose of Records. Clerks of Circuit Court, Judges and other court officers shall dispose of records in the manner set out in this Rule and in accordance with the retention schedules specified herein. The retention schedules set out in this Rule should be presented to the appropriate county records commission, one time only for informational purposes, before disposal of the records. Prior to disposal of judicial records not listed on this schedule, or if special circumstances necessitate the retention or disposal of judicial records in a manner not set forth in this Rule, a circuit court clerk, judge or other officer of the court must seek written authorization from the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration (IOJA) to maintain or destroy such records.
B.Authorized Formats of Permanent Records. Records required to be maintained permanently under this Rule may be maintained in their original format, on microfilm, or in electronic format. The record keeping formats plus the quality and permanency requirements employed for permanent records shall be approved by the IOJA to ensure compliance with this Rule, Administrative Rule 6, and Trial Rule 77.
(1) Microfilmed Records. Records which may be microfilmed under this Rule must be microfilmed in accordance with the provisions of Administrative Rule 6.The retention schedules will identify which records are authorized to be microfilmed and may provide other specifications such as a time period to maintain a record in its original format before microfilming is permitted.

Microfilming other records is not authorized because the cost of microfilming exceeds the costs of storage for the duration of the retention period. If special circumstances arise, a circuit court clerk, judge, or other officer of the court may seek written authorization from the IOJA to microfilm records other than those herein authorized.

(2) Records in Electronic Form. Records which may be maintained electronically under this Rule must be stored and preserved in accordance with the provisions of Administrative Rule 6. Records maintained electronically must be kept so that a hard copy can be generated at any time.
C.Records Authorized for Transfer. Records deemed permanent or authorized for transfer to the Indiana State Archives, Indiana Archives and Records Administration, must follow the Archive's written procedures and use its approved forms before transfer can occur. With the written approval of the Indiana Supreme Court, records authorized for transfer to the Archives Division of the Indiana Archives and Records Administration may be deposited by said Archive with a local repository, such as a historical society, library, archives, or university, as designated by the Archive and meeting the archival standards of the Archive.
D.Retention Schedules. These retention schedules are based upon assumptions that because certain records exist, others may be destroyed. Due to fire disasters, or other causes, this may not be true for all Indiana counties. Therefore, the first step is to conduct an inventory to determine if records requiring permanent retention or transfer do indeed exist before destroying records by series whose authority for destruction is based on the fact that other records exist.

The list of retention schedules is arbitrarily arranged by type of jurisdiction and not by court, since jurisdictions overlap from court to court with original, concurrent and exclusive jurisdictions. Different courts in different counties can exercise the same jurisdiction. The date of 1790 means that the record potentially could date from the formation of the county.

The format includes a number, as 85-4.3-04, which gives the year of the schedules (1985), the jurisdiction (4.3, or family law/adoptions) and the record series item (04). As new record series are added, additional numbers will be assigned. If a series is amended, it will be followed by an "R" for "revised." The jurisdictions, which can be the same for a number of courts, are classified as:

85-1 CIVIL
85-1.1 Civil
85-1.2 Chancery
85-1.3 Lis Pendens Series
85-1.4 Partitions
85-1.5 Dissolution of Marriage
85-3.1 Wills
85-3.2 Estates
85-3.3 Guardianships
85-3.4 Trusts
85-4.1 Juvenile
85-4.2 Paternity
85-4.3 Adoption
85-4.4 Birth Certificate Record
Small Claims
Traffic Infractions
Plenary Civil
City Civil Jurisdiction
85-8.1 Insanity/Mental Health
85-8.2 Epileptic Hearings
85-8.3 Feeble-Minded Hearings
85-8.4 Riley Hospital Hearings
85-8.5 Children Ordered to Public Hospitals
85-8.6 IU Medical Center Hearings
85-8.8 Drainage


It is critically important that these schedules be carried out exactly as approved since this is your legal authority to do so, and only for the records so listed. Once a record is destroyed, its information is lost. Do not assume that the record under consideration is the record actually authorized for destruction. You must compare both the title and content before a record series can be destroyed. Work in a spirit of caution. If in doubt, save until you can get advice from the Division of IOJA or the Indiana Archives and Records Administration.


85-1.1-01REntry Docket1790-c. 1913maintain permanently meeting the standards of Admin. R. 6.
85-1.1-02 Issue Docket 1790-c. 1913 destroy.
85-1.1-03R Entry, Issue Docket & Fee Book (Civil Docket, 1970 +) c 1913-1990 maintain permanently (may microfilm after 20 years).
85-1.1-04 Change of Venue Record c. 1873 + maintain permanently may microfilm after 20 years and destroy original).
85-1.1-05 Judge's/Bench/Court Docket 1790-c. 1918 destroy.
85-1.1-06 Clerk's Docket Day Book/Scratch Book 1790-c. 1918 destroy.
85-1.1-07 Sheriff's Docket (rare) 1790-c. 1918 destroy.
85-1.1-08Bar Docket (cases arrange by attorney; not Entry Docket) 1790-+ destroy.
85-1.1-09 Summons Docket (rare) c. 1790- + destroy 6 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-10 Sheriff's Summons Docket (rare) c. 1790- + destroy 6 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-11 Witness Docket/Witness Affidavit Docket c. 1860's- + destroy 3 years after date of last entry and audit State Board of Accounts.
85-1.1-12 Stamp Tax Docket c. 1933-1965 destroy.
85-1.1-13 Bond Register (bonds filed in civil actions) c. 1880's- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-14 Misc. Bond Record (bonds filed in civil actions) c. 1880's- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-15 Recognizance Bond Record-Civil varies as separate ledger destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-16Record of Assignments (rare) 1870's- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-17RCivil Order Book 1790-1990 maintain permanently meeting standards of Admin. R. 6. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-1.1-18 Index to Civil Cases/General Index to To Civil Order Book/ Gen. Index Plaintiff/ Gen. Index Defendant 1790-1990 maintain permanently May microfilm 20 years after date of last entry, using microfilm system meeting standards set by Supreme Court.
85-1.1-19R Misc. Order Book varies, usually 20th Century maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-1.1-19.1R Nonjudicial Order (Certifications and Statutorily Directed Matters) 1989- +maintain permanently meeting the standards set by the Supreme Court (may microfilm after 20 years).
85-1.1-20 Civil Order Book Complete; Final Order Book Civil 1790-1990, usually 19th Century transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
85-1.1-21 General Index Book, Civil1790-1990 transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
85-1.1-22 Depositions, opened 1790- + maintain as part of Civil Case File.
85-1.1-23 Depositions Not Admitted Into Evidence or for Dismissed Cases1790- + return to attorney at disposition of case or destroy 1 year after final disposition of case.
85-1.1-24 Docket Sheets c. 1910-1990 maintain permanently . May microfilm and destroy original 3 years after final disposition of case, unless dissolution of marriage, then may microfilm and destroy original 21 years after disposition.
85-1.1-25R Plenary Civil Case Files Designated as CP, CT, MT, PL, CC, MF 1790-9/1881 transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
9/1881-1990maintain all divorce/dissolution cases; cases where title to real property is in issue; public sector cases; and pre-1941 adoption and bastardy cases in original or in microfilm. For remaining cases, maintain a 2% statistical sample, which is determined by the IOJA with transfer to the Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration. Destroy remaining files 20 years after final disposition.
90-1.1-25.1R Civil Miscellaneous 1/01/1987- +retain for 5 years and upon review of trial court. Maintain permanently all tax deed MI cases ordered upon IC 6-1.1-25-4.6.
85-1.1-26R Dismissed Civil 9/1881- +Unless relief granted under TR 60(B): (a) those dismissed before trial, destroy 2 years after dismissal; (b) those dismissed during or after trial, destroy 2 years after order to dismiss is given under TR 41.
89-1.1-26.1RShorthand Notes/Tapes/ Disks Not Transcribed 1873- +destroy 3 years after date of trial for CP, CT, MI, RS, DR, MH, PO, CC, and MF.
91-1.1-61 Protective Order Case Files With PO Designation Under Administrative Rule 81/1/1992- +destroy 3 years after date Order has been entered.
91-1.1-62 Notice and Release of Lien for Medical Assistance (IC 12-1-7-24.6 )(c)(1) 1982- +for those liens formally released by Dept. of Public Welfare, destroy notice and Lien 2 years after release filed.
91-1.1-63Hardship Driver's License (Emergency Order for Restricted Hardship License) (MI Case # Only) varies for independent court action, not a part of a larger case, and if original order in RJO, destroy Case File 2 years after judgment.
85-1.1-27 Judgment Dockets 1790- + pre-1853 transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
post 1852 destroy docket 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-28 Transcribed Judgment Docket (copy of deteriorated original) variesdestroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-29Judgment Docket Release c. 20th Century destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-30Record of Delinquent Tax/Delinquent Tax Judgment Record IC 6-1-55-1 IC 6-1.1-23-91964- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-31Judgment Docket: Statements and Transcripts (orig. statements of judgment of court w. ref. to Judgment Docket) (ledger) ACTS 1929:83:1 IC 34-1-43-1 (not all courts created this ledger) 1929- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-32Judgment Statements and Transcripts (originals) varies, usually after 1929- + destroy 20 years after filing.
90-1.1-32.1Collection Warrant Under Employment Security Act (IC 22-4-29-7 ) varies destroy after 20 years.
85-1.1-33Judgment Docket Index varies destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-34Praecipe/Certified Copy Praecipe (ledger) 1790- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-35 Praecipes 1790- + destroy 20 years after filing, if filed separately.
85-1.1-36Executions1790- + pre-1853 transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Commission on Public Records
post 1852 destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-37 Execution Docket1790- + pre-1853 transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
post 1852 destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-38 Sheriff's Execution Docket (rare) destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-39Register of Executions (rare) c. 1870's- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-40Supplement to Execution Docket (rare) c. 1870's- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-41Executions: Order of Sale (original pleadings) c. 1790- +destroy 20 years after date of issue
85-1.1-42 Executions: Order of Sale (ledger) c. 1790's- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-43 Stay of Execution (original pleadings) c. 1790's- + destroy 20 years after date of issue
85-1.1-44 Index to Execution Docket variesdestroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-45Fee Bills (original filings) 1790- +destroy after 20 years.
85-1.1-46Fee Bill Recordvaries, usually 20th Century destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-47 Sheriff's Fee Bill Docket varies, usually 20th Century destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-48Fee Bill Index varies, usually 20th Century destroy when last entry becomes 20 years old.
85-1.1-49 Tax Warrants IC 6-8-7-1(1976)1933-1980destroy after 20 years.
85-1.1-50Alias Tax Warrants IC 6-8-7-2 and IC 6-8-7-3(1976)1933-1980destroy after 20 years.
85-1.1-51 Tax Warrants 1980- + maintain 3 years after payment and audit by State Board of Accounts.
85-1.1-52Alias Tax IC 6-8.1-8-2(e)1980- + maintain 3 years after payment and audit by State Board of Accounts.
85-1.1-53Power of Attorney Filings1790- + pre-9/1881transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
post 9/1881 destroy after 20 years.
85-1.1-54Power of Attorney Record (not all courts created) c. 1881- + varies destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-55Power of Attorney Index (rare) c. 1881- + varies destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.1-56Index to Misc. Court Records c. 1853/81- + varies maintain for period in which records are referred to.
85-1.1-57Subpoena Docket (rare) 1790- +destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-58 Sheriff's Subpoena Docket (rare) 1790- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.1-59Sheriff Foreign Servicevaries destroy 3 years after date of last entry
88-1.1-60 Civil Fee Books1790-c. 1913destroy upon written approval of the IOJA
85-1.2-01Chancery Order1843-1852maintain permanently.
85-1.2-02Case Files, Chancery to 1853 transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
85-1.3-01 Lis Pendens Record (Complaints) IC 32-30-11-111877- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.3-02Lis Pendens - Complaint Files IC 32-30-11-1. 1877- + destroy 20 years after filing
85-1.3-03Lis Pendens Record - Sheriff's Notice of Attachment IC 32-30-111877- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.3-04Lis Pendens - Sheriff's Notice of Attachment IC 32-30-111877- + destroy 20 years after filing
85-1.3-05 Lis Pendens Record-- Sheriff's Certificates of Sale IC 34-2-29-11881- + 1987destroy 20 years after date of entry
85-1.3-06Lis Pendens--Sheriff's Certificates of Sale IC 34-2-29-11881- + 1987destroy 20 years after filing
85-1.3-07Lis Pendens-- Redemption Record IC 34-2-29-31881- + 1987destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.3-08 Lis Pendens Redemptions IC 34-2-29-3 1881- + 1987destroy 20 years after filing
NOTE: IC 34-2-29-1 et seq. was repealed by P.L. 309-1987
85-1.3-09 Index - Lis Pendens Record (discretionary) 1877- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.3-10Transcript Order Book (to collect judgments) JP to 1976 City 1847- + Gen.Cts. to current destroy 20 years after date of last entry
85-1.3-11Transcripts (to collect judgments) JP to 1976 1847- + destroy 20 years after filing
85-1.3-12Transcript and Insurance Order Book (see also 85-1.3-10) (rare) 1877-1935destroy.
NOTE: ACTS 1877(r): 43:1 required foreign insurance companies to file certain statements with the Auditor of State and Clerk of the Circuit Court, the latter to note "in vacation of entries of the order book of such court" the name of the company and its agent and the date of filing. Some courts created separate "order books" for this purpose.
87-1.3-13 Foreign Insurance Company Statements1877-1935 destroy.
85-1.4-01 Partition Record 1853-1869 (& later) maintain permanently.
85-1.4-02 Partition Record Complete1853-1869 (& later)maintain permanently.
85-1.4-03Case Files, Partitions 1853- +maintain in accordance with Plenary Civil Case Files, 85-1.1-25R.
Some courts maintain separate filing systems and have created separate "Domestic Relations" records for divorce/dissolution of marriage.
85-1.5-01R Entry Docket, Issue Docket & Fee Book c. 1973- + maintain permanently (may microfilm after 20 years).
85-1.5-02R Order Book, Domestic Relations c. 1973- + maintain permanently May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-1.5-03R Divorce Case Files to 8/31/1973maintain in accordance with schedule 85-1.1-25R.
85-1.5-04 Judgment Docket c. 1973- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.5-05Execution Docket c. 1973- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-1.5-06Domestic Relations Index c. 1973-maintain permanently. May microfilm 6 years after ledger is filled.
85-1.5-07Dissolution of Marriage Case Files 9/01/1973- + maintain in accordance with Plenary Civil Case Files, 85-1.1-25R.
85-1.5-07.1Dismissed Divorce/Dissolution of Marriage Case Files 9/1881- + destroy in accordance with Dismissed Plenary Civil Case Files 85-1.1-26R.
91-1.5-08UIRESA Uniform Support, Petition, Certificate and Order as Initiating Court Under IC 31-18-3-47/01/1951- +maintain 2 years after order is entered if copy of petition is maintained by prosecuting attorney (Docket Sheet/CCS is maintained).
01-1.5-10 Reciprocal Support (RS) Case files as Responding Court under IC 31-18-3-5destroy case files 21 years after date of last action (Applies to both adjudicated and dismissed case files.)
93-1.5-09 Court Referral Case Files (IC 31-1-23 ); (IC 31-1-24 ) 1971 - + Domestic Relations Counseling Bureau Files. Destroy files 21 years after date of last entry.
85-2-01Indictment Record-- Grand Jury (ledger)1853-1973 transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
85-2-02Indictments/Grand Jury Reports1790- +transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
85-2-03RInformation Record1853-1905transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
87-2-33Affidavit Record1905-1973ttransfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration after 20 years.
87-2-34 Indictment/Information Record IC 35-34-1-11973- +transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration after 20 years.
85-2-04Informations/Affidavits (1905-1973)1853- +transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration after 20 years.
85-2-05Arrest Warrants1790- +file with Criminal Case File.
85-2-06Recognizance Bonds, Criminal 1790- +transfer bonds prior to 9-01-1881 to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration; destroy post 1881 bonds after 6 years.
85-2-07Criminal Recognizance Bond Record (discretionary) 1790- +transfer ledgers prior to 9-01-1881 to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration; destroy post 9/1881 ledgers 6 years after date of last entry.
85-2-08 Continuing Recognizance Bond Record (discretionary) (rare) 1790- +destroy 6 years after date of last entry
85-2-09Habeas Corpus 1790- +transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration 6 years after date of issue, if filed separately.
85-2-10 Habeas Corpus (ledger)1790- +transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Commission on Public Records 6 years after date of last entry.
85-2-11R Entry Docket 1790-1913 maintain permanently.
85-2-12 Entry Docket & Fee Book1913-1990maintain permanently; may microfilm 20 years after date of last entry.
90-2-12.1Issue Docket, Criminal1790-c. 1915destroy.
85-2-13Fee Book, Criminalto 1913destroy if separate Entry Docket exists. If not, maintain permanently.
85-2-14 Clerk's Docket, Criminal (discretionary)1790-1920's destroy.
85-2-15Judge's/Bench/Court Docket, Criminal1790-1920'sdestroy.
85-2-16 State Docket c. 1880'sdestroy.
85-2-17 Sheriff's State Docket c. 1880'sdestroy.
85-2-18Docket Sheets, Criminalc. 1910's-maintain permanently. May microfilm original 3 years after case is disposed of.
85-2-19ROrder Book, Criminalc. 1860's - 1990 (varies)maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer original to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-2-20Order Book Complete, Criminal (rare)c. 1860's-c. 1880'smaintain permanently.
85-2-21RFelony Criminal Case Files1790- to 9-01-1881transfer all files prior to 9-01-1881 to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
9/1881-1990Maintain a 2% statistical sample, which is determined by the IOJA with transfer to the Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration. Destroy remaining files 55 years after final disposition. Maintain packet for post- conviction relief.
87-2-21.1R Dismissed Felony Case Files 9/1881- +destroy 2 years after order to dismiss is given.
90-2-21.2Misdemeanor Criminal Case Files (CM)1790- to 9/1881transfer all files prior to 9-01-1881 to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
9/1881 +Maintain a 2% statistical sample, which is determined by the IOJA with transfer to the Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration. Destroy remaining files 10 years after final disposition.
1990- +handgun possession maintain fifteen years.
85-2-22Judgment Docket Criminalrare as separate volumedestroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-2-23Disfranchisement Record (rare)1920'sdestroy.
85-2-24Suspended Sentence Docket1919-1977 destroy 55 years after date of last entry.
85-2-25 Judgment Withheld Docket1919-1977 destroy 55 years after date of last entry
85-2-26R Depositions Published or Unpublished 1790- +destroy after 55 years if unopened and not filed with court packet.
95-2-26.1Misdemeanor Depositions Published or Unpublished1852- + destroy after 10 years if unopened and not filed in court packet.
85-2-27R Shorthand Notes/Tapes/Disks Not Transcribed--Felonies1873- + destroy 55 years after date of trial.
[Criminal Rule 5 ]
89-2-27.1 Shorthand Notes/Tapes/ Disks Not Transcribed Misdemeanors (CM) 1873- + destroy 10 years after date of trial
85-2-28Transcripts for Appeals1790- +file in Criminal Case File if copy is maintained.
85-2-29Probation Files1907- + destroy 6 years after release of individual from final discharge.
95-2-29.1 Court Administered Alcohol Program (CAAP)1974- + destroy 6 years after release of individual from final discharge (Probation Department Files).
95-2-29.2Alternative Sentencing Case Files (Work Release Files)1991- + destroy 6 years after release of individual from final discharge (Probation Department Files).
85-2-30General Index, Criminalsvariestransfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration after 55 years.
85-2-31RRestitution Record IC 35-38-2-2(1927) 1976- destroy 6 years after date of last entry.
89-2-32RSearch Warrants (Executed and Unexecuted) and not associated with a specific criminal case file1790- +place in separate case file and assign a criminal miscellaneous case number. Destroy 20 years after issuance of warrant. (The prosecuting attorney may request a longer retention period by filing a written request specifying the length of the extended retention period)
09-2-32.1Search Warrant Executed and associated with specific criminal case file1790- +place in separate case file and assign a criminal miscellaneous case number. Destroy at the same time as the associated criminal case. If there is more than one associated criminal case, destroy at the same time as the case with the longest retention period. An association with a specific criminal case is created when a notice is filed with the court by the prosecuting attorney stating that a filed criminal case is associated with the executed search warrant. Upon the filing of such a notice, an entry shall be made on the CCS in both cases noting the association.
09-2-32.2Search Warrants Denied or Not Executed1790- +destroy 2 years after order denying issuance of search warrant or if search is not executed (No return filed within the 2 year period presumes that warrant was not executed).
89-2-33RCertificates on Standards for Breath Test Operators, Equipment & Chemicals (IC 9-30-6-5 ) 1983- + destroy 10 years after filing or upon recordation or upon recordation in Nonjudicial Order Book 89-1.1-19.1.
05-2-34Dismissed Misdemeanor Case Files9/1881 destroy 1 year after order to dismiss is given.
05-2-35 Forensic Diversion Program2004 - +destroy 6 years after release of individual from final discharge.
05-2-36Wiretap recordings under IC 35-33.5-5-21990 - +Destroy after ten (10) years only upon an order of the court that issued the warrant.
05-2-37Applications for wiretaps and corresponding warrants under IC 35-33.5-5-21990 - +Destroy after ten (10) years only upon an order of the court that issued the warrant.
09-2-38Grand Jury Recordings and Transcriptions - felonies1881+Destroy 55 years after date of final disposition
09-2-38.1Grand Jury Recordings and Transcriptions - dismissed felony cases1881+Destroy 2 years after order to dismiss granted
09-2-38.2Grand Jury Recordings and Transcriptions - misdemeanors1881+Destroy 10 years after date of final disposition
09-2-38.3Grand Jury Recordings and Transcriptions - dismissed misdemeanors1881+Destroy 1 year after order to dismiss granted
12-2-39Problem-Solving Court Case Files2002-+Destroy no earlier than 6 years after discharge from problem-solving court or completion of probation whichever is later
19-2-40 Pretrial Case Files2019+Destroy no earlier than 6 years from the date of case adjudication or sentencing whichever is later.
85-3.1-01R Recorded Original Wills1790- +maintain permanently (as a part of the Estate Case File, or as a separate series if filed separately). May microfilm after 5 years.
85-3.1-02Will Record1790- +maintain permanently in original format; may microfilm or store electronically as a critical record, for security.
85-3.1-03Transcript Will Record/original Will Record Ledger (a copy of an original ledger, copied for preservation)variesmaintain both versions permanently in original format; may microfilm or store electronically as a critical record, for security.
85-3.1.04 Clerk's Report of Wills Probated in Vacationdiscretionary, usually from 1881, little used thereaftermaintain permanently in original format; may microfilm or store electronically as a critical record, for security.
85-3.1-05Index to Will Recorddiscretionarymaintain permanently in original format; may microfilm or store electronically as a critical record, for security.
85-3.2-01Appearance Docketc. 1881maintain permanently.
85-3.2-02Allowance Docket c. 1879destroy.
85-3.2-03Estate Entry Docketc. 1879maintain permanently.
85-3.2-04General Entry Claim and Allowance Docketc. 1879maintain permanently.
85-3.2-05Estate Entry Claim and Allowance Docket & Fee Book (Form 42 )c. 1911- + maintain permanently; may microfilm and destroy original 3 years after date of last entry.
85-3.2-06Vacation Entries in Estates and Guardianshipsdiscretionary c. 1881-c. 1920'smaintain permanently.
85-3.2-07Probate Claim Docketdiscretionary c. 1853-c. 1879destroy.
85-3.2-08Clerk's Minute Book, Probate/Clerk's Docketdiscretionarydestroy.
85-3.2-09Clerk's Docket, Sale of Real Estatediscretionarydestroy.
85-3.2-10Bar Docket, Probatediscretionary to c. 1920'sdestroy.
85-3.2-11Bench/Estate/Judge's Docket, Probateto c. 1920'sdestroy.
85-3.2-12Issue Docket, Probatediscretionary to c.1913destroy.
85-3.2-13 Transfer Docket, Probate discretionary to c. 1920's destroy.
85-3.2-14 Docket Sheets, Estate c. 1910-1990maintain permanently in may microfilm 3 years after close of case.
85-3.2-15RProbate/ Estate Case Files1790-1990 maintain permanentl (may microfilm 2 years after order of final discharge of personal representative).
85-3.2-16Accounts Current Reports IC 29-1-1-23(f)c. 1860's-maintain as part of Probate Case File.
85-3.2-17Claims Against the Estate 1790- +maintain as part of Probate Case File.
85-3.2-18Sale of Real Estate, Probate 1790- +maintain as part of Probate Case File.
85-3.2-19Settled Assignment of Estates, Probate 1790- +maintain as part of Probate Case File.
85-3.2-20Executor's Oath & Letters (ledger)c. 1840's-1953destroy ledger 20 years after disposal of last case.
85-3.2-21Administrator's Oaths & Letters (ledger)c. 1840's-1953destroy ledger 20 years after disposal of last case.
85-3.2-22Executor's Bond Record IC 29-1-1-23(d)1840's- 6/30/1991destroy ledger 20 years after disposal of last case.
88-3.2-23Administrator's Bond Record IC 29-1-1-23(d)1840's- 6/30/1991destroy ledger 20 years after disposal of last case.
88-3.2-51Personal Representatives Bonds (ledger) per IC 29-1-1-23(d) (discretionary)1/01/1954- 6/30/1991destroy ledger 20 years after disposal of last case.
85-3.2-24Executor's Bond to Sell Real Estate (ledger)1853-c. 1881destroy.
85-3.2-25Administrator's Bond to Sell Real Estate (ledger)1853-c. 1881destroy.
85-3.2-26Commissioner's Bond to Sell Real Estate (ledger)1853-c. 1881destroy.
85-3.2-27Record of Additional Bonds, Estates (discretionary)1853- 1881destroy.
85-3.2-28Commissioner's Bond Record (discretionary)1853- 1881destroy.
85-3.2-29Executor's Bonds Oaths & Letters (ledger)1853-c. 1881destroy 20 years after disposal of last case.
85-3.2-30Administrator's Bonds, Oaths & Letters (ledger)1853-c. 1881destroy 20 years after disposal of last case.
85-3.2-31Administrator's Executor's and Guardian's Bonds to Sell Real Estate1853 - c. 1881destroy.
85-3.2-32Record of Inventories IC 29-1-1-23(e)1853-6/30/1991destroy 20 years after disposal of last case
85-3.2-33Inventory of Surviving Partners (ledger)post 1853, discretionarydestroy 20 years after disposal of last case
85-3.2-34Record of Inventory & Sale Bills1853-6/30/1991destroy 20 years after disposal of last case
85-3.2-35Record of Sale Bills/Account Sale of Personal Property1853-1953destroy
85-3.2-36RProbate Order Book1790-1990maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-3.2-37RProbate Order Book, Completec. 1829-c. 1920'smaintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-3.2-38Order Book Estates, Vacation Entriesc. 1881-c. 1969maintain permanetly.
85-3.2-39Assignment Order Bookdiscretionarymaintain permanetly.
85-3.2-40Probate Order Book, Transcript of Originaldiscretionarymaintain permanetly.
85-3.2-41Record of Administrator's Accounts IC 29-1-1-23(f)c. 1860's-+ 6/30/1991maintain permanetly.
85-3.2-42Inheritance Tax Files1913- +maintain as part of Probate Case File.
85-3.2-43Inheritance Tax Ledger1913- +maintain permanently may microfilm & destroy original 15 years after date of last entry.
85-3.2-44Judgment Docket, Probate (rare)1790- +destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-3.2-45Praecipe Book, Probate (rare)1790- +destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-3.2-46Execution Docket, Probate (rare)1790- +destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-3.2-47General Index to Estates/Probate IC 29-1-1-231790-1990maintain permanently - may microfilm or store electronically for security purposes.
85-3.2-48General Index to Probate Complete Recordto c. 1920'smaintain permanently.
85-3.2-49Index to Administrator's & Executor's Bonds IC 29-1-1-231840's-6/20/1991destroy when last corresponding bond ledger is destroyed.
88-3.2-50Fee Books, Probate1790-c. 1913destroy upon written approval of IOJA.
85-3.3-01 Guardianship Docket c. 1853-c. 1913maintain permanently.
88-3.3-18Guardianship Docket & Fee Book IC 29-1-1-231913- +microfilm and destroy original 20 years after date of last entry/close of guardianship.
85-3.3-02Clerk's Guardianship Docketc. 1853-c.1913destroy.
85-3.3-03Bar Docket, Guardianshipsc. 1853-c. 1920'sdestroy.
85-3.3-04Bench/Judge's Docket, Guardianships1790-c. 1920destroy.
85-3.3-05Guardianship Docket Sheetsc. 1910-1990microfilm and destroy original 20 years after close of case.
85-3.3-06RCase Files, Guardianships1790-1990maintain permanently (may microfilm 5 years after order of final discharge of guardian).
85-3.3-07Guardianship Accounts Current Reportsc. 1860's- 6/30/1991maintain permanently. Maintain as part of Guardianship Case File.
94-3.3-18Record of Guardianship Accounts Current IC 29-1-1-23(f)c. 1860's- 6/30/1991maintain permanently.
85-3.3-08Guardian's Oaths & Letters Record 1847- +destroy ledger 20 years after close of last case.
85-3.3-09Guardian's Bond Recorddestroy ledger 20 years after close of last case.
85-3.3-10Guardian's Bond Record to Sell Real Estate1853-c. 1881destroy.
85-3.3-11Guardian's Bond, Oath & Letter Recordc. 1853-1953destroy ledger 20 years after close of last case.
85-3.3-12R Inventory Record, Guardianships 1853- +destroy 20 years after disposal of last case
85-3.3-13Record of Sale Bills, Guardianships1853-1953destroy.
85-3.3-14ROrder Book, Guardianshipsdiscretionarymaintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer original to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-3.3-15General Index Guardianshipsdiscretionarymaintain permanently.
85-3.3-16Index to Guardianship Bondsdiscretionary to 6/30/1991destroy filled ledger 20 years after entry of last case.
88-3.3-17Fee Books, Guardianships1790-c. 1913- +destroy upon written approval of IOJA.
(Separate record series from probate, estates)
85-3.4-01R Trust Entry Docket Book/Trust Estate Fee Book [not required by IC 30-4-4-4(a) ]-to currentmaintain permanently (may microfilm after 20 years).
85-3.4-02Trust Case Files-to currentmaintain permanently (may microfilm 3 years after disposal).
85-3.4-03Record of Trust Company Oaths (ledger)variesdestroy 4 years after date of last entry.
85-3.4-04Record of Delinquent Trust Records (ledger)variesmaintain permanently.
85-3.4-05Trustee's Miscellaneous Record of Reports (ledger)variesmaintain permanently.
85-4.1-01Record of Affidavit for Prosecution of Juvenile (discretionary)1903- +destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-4.1-02 Entry Docket/Juvenile Entry Docket, Issue Docket & Fee Book (ledger)1903-1990destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-4.1-03 Juvenile Court Docket/Judge's Docket (replaced by Docket Sheets)1903-c. 1930'sdestroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-4.1-04Docket Sheetsc. 1910-1990destroy 20 years after last entry or 20 years after time when minor reaches majority unless expunged.
85-4.1-05Investigator's Case Reports (ledger) 1903- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-4.1-06RMaster Card Index File1903- +destroy 20 years from date of last entry or all born prior to 12-31 of year when child is 18 years of age.
85-4.1-07Society History Case Files1903- +destroy 20 years after last entry or 20 years after time when minor reaches majority unless expunged.
85-4.1-08R Juvenile Order Book (ledger)1903-1990 maintain permanently, except individual records expunged. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer original to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
01-4.1-29JD case filesIC 31-30-1-4 felonies committed by a juvenile under 16 years of agedestroy 12 years after juvenile reaches 18th birthdate.
01-4.1-30JD, JC, JM and JS case fileDelinquency cases not under IC 31-30-1-4 for under 16 years of age and all CHINS, status and miscellaneous case filesdestroy 12 years after juvenile reaches 18th birthdate.
01-4.1-31JT case filesTermination of parental rightsdestroy 5 years after juvenile reaches 18th birthdate.
01-4.1-32Juvenile CCSOfficial Chronological Case Summarymaintain permanently.
01-4.1-33Juvenile RJORecord of Judgments and Ordersmaintain permanently.
87-4.1-21Dismissed Juvenile Case Files1903- +destroy 2 years after order to dismiss is given.
85-4.1-10Adult Causes, Contributing to Delinquency of Minor (Case Files)destroy 20 years from final judgment/order.
85-4.1-11Bonds1903- +destroy 3 years after disposal of case, if such bonds are filed separately.
85-4.1-12Record of Commitments (ledger)1869- +destroy 7 years after release of last person named in ledger.
85-4.1-13Record of Releases (ledger)1869- +destroy 7 years after release of last person named in ledger.
85-4.1-14Record or Reports from Juvenile Institutions (ledger)1869- +destroy 7 years after release of last person named in ledger.
85-4.1-15Juvenile Institutional Report (Case Files)1869- +destroy 7 years after release of last person named in ledger.
85-4.1-16R Probation Case Files/Folders 1903- + destroy 7 years after individual is released from probation or informal adjustment and after child reaches 18th birthday.
88-4.1-23 Juvenile Probation Officer's Copy of Report Where no Delinquency is Filed varies destroy after compilation of statistics.
88-4.1-24 No Probable Cause Files varies destroy after 2 years of filing.
88-4.1-25 Statistical Sheets varies destroy after compilation of statistics.
88-4.1-26RShorthand Notes/Tapes/Disks Not Transcribed varies destroy 7 years after date of trial and final judgment.
88-4.1-27 Court Reporter Calendars "Court Reporter's Call Sheets" varies maintain current year and previous year and discard earlier years.
88-4.1-17 Judgment Docket, Juvenile Court 1903- + maintain for 20 years from date of last entry.
88-4.1-18Juvenile Fee Book/Juvenile Fine and Fee Docket (ledger) 1903- + destroy 6 years after date of last entry.
88-4.1-19General Index, Juvenile Court (ledger or card file) (discretionary) 1903-1990 destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-4.1-20 Juvenile Restitution Record (ledger) IC 35-7-2-11976- +destroy 7 years after termination of probation of last person entered.
88-4.1-22Fee Books, Juvenile 1903-c. 1913destroy upon written approval of IOJA.
91-4.1-28Juvenile Wardship Case Files 1903- +maintain under 01-4.1-30.
Note: Under ACTS 1936(ss): 3:26(b), IC 12-1-3-10, 1976, County Boards of Welfare filed for "the dismissal of such guardianships". These Case Files are not dismissed but such agency is ending its jurisdiction in such cases.
85-4.2-01RPaternity Book 1941- +maintain Order permanently in court; may microfilm filled ledger for security.
85-4.2-02RDocket Sheets 1941- + maintain permanently in court; may microfilm 3 years after disposition using standards of Admin. R. 6.
85-4.2-03RPaternity Case Files 1941- + maintain permanently (may microfilm after 5 years).
85-4.2-04RDismissed Paternity Case Files 1941- + maintain permanently (may microfilm after 2 years from order of dismissal).
91-4.2-05Shorthand Notes/ Tapes/Disks Not Transcribed 1941- + maintain permanently.
85-4.3-01RAdoption Order Book/Record 1941- + maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-4.3-02R Adoption Case Files 1941- + maintain permanently (may microfilm after 5 years).
95-4.3-02.1 Dismissed Adoption Case Files 1941- + maintain permanently (may microfilm after 2 years from order of dismissal).
85-4.3-03 Adoption Docket Sheets 1941- + file with Adoption Case File.
85-4.3-04 Adoption General Index 1941- + maintain permanently in original format.
91-4.3-05Shorthand Notes/Tapes/Disks Not Transcribed 1941- + maintain permanently.
85-4.4-01RBirth Certificate Record (Order Book Index of Judicial Judgment & Decree) 1941- +maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-4.4-02Birth Certificate Record--Original Pleadings 1941- +destroy 5 years after hearing.
85-5.1-01RSmall Claims Docket and Fee Book 1976-1990destroy after 20 years if not used as substitute Order Book (see 85-5.1-02R).
85-5.1-02R Civil Order Book - Small Claims/ Small Claims Docket 1976-1990 maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-5.1-03RSmall Claims Docket Sheets 1976-1990 maintain permanently (may microfilm 3 years after disposition).
90-5.1-03.1RSmall Claims Shorthand Notes/Tapes/ Disks Not Transcribed 1971- + destroy or reuse 3 years after date of trial. S ee 89-1.1-26.1R for CP cases.
85-5.1-04Judgment Docket Small Claims Rule 111976- + destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-5.1-05RSmall Claims Case Files 1976-1990destroy 5 years after order releasing judgment; or 10 years where judgment has not been ordered released or where no discharge in bankruptcy is filed.
87-5.1-21RDismissed Small Claims Case Files 1976- +destroy 2 years after order to dismiss is given or after discharge in bankruptcy is filed.
85-5.1-06RCivil Order Book--Plenary/Plenary Docket 1976-1990 maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-5.1-07RPlenary Case Files 1976-1990 maintain in accordance with 85-1.125R
85-5.1-08RCriminal Entry Docket and Fee Book 1976-1990 maintain 55 years in original or microfilm 10 years after last entry and destroy original.
85-5.1-09Traffic Violation Docket 1976-1981 destroy.
85-5.1-10RInfractions Order Book 1981-1990destroy 10 years after date of last entry.
85-5.1-11RCriminal and Traffic Docket 1976-1981if it contains Class D Felonies, maintain 55 years; if misdemeanor only, destroy after 10 years.
85-5.1-12RCriminal Order Book/Criminal & Misdemeanors 1976-1990maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-5.1-13RCase Packets, Traffic Infractions 1977-1990destroy 10 years prior to 1981; after 9-01-1981 destroy after 2 years if court complies with IC 9-30-3-11(c), (d).
85-5.1-13.1RTraffic Non-moving Violations 1979-1990destroy 3 years after end of calendar year and after audit by State Board of Accounts.
87-5.1-22RCase Packets, Non-Traffic Infractions 1977-1990destroy 10 years after final judgment.
87-5.1-23RCase Packets, Ordinance Violations 1976-1990destroy 10 years after final judgment.
90-5.1-23.1RInfraction/Ordinance Violations Shorthand Notes/Tapes/Disks Not Transcribed 1971- + destroy or reuse 2 years after final judgment. For felony and misdemeanors see 85-2-27R and 89-2-27.1.
85-5.1-14 1976-1990destroy misdemeanor case files 10 years after final disposition; maintain Class D Felonies for 55 years-1979 +. Sample CM case files in accordance with 90-2-21-2; sample felony cases in accordance with 85-2-21R.
90-5.1-14.1 Copy of Pretrial Diversion Contract and Papers Filed in County of Residence, Different From County of Conviction 1979 +retain for 2 years after contract's termination date.
85-5.1-15 General Indices 1976- +maintain for life of ledger they index.
85-5.1-16 Jury Record 1976- +destroy 3 years after date of final entry and audit by State Board of Accounts.
85-5.1-17 Civil Docketto 1976destroy.
85-5.1-18 Civil Case Files to 1976destroy.
85-5.1-19R Criminal Docketto 1976destroy.
85-5.1-20RCriminal Case Files to 1976destroy.
NOTE: Includes Lake County JP courts through 1978. For records prior to 1941, offer to local repository or Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration before destruction.
91-5.1-29 Criminal Docket varies destroy 10 years after last entry.
91-5.1-30 Criminal Case Filesvariesdestroy 10 years after final entry.
88-5.1-24Civil Entry Dockets 1875-1905; 1917- +destroy after 20 years by petition to county records commission.
88-5.1-25Civil Docket Ledgers/Sheets 1875-1905; 1917- +destroy after 10 years
88-5.1-26R Order Books ("Minute Books" Lake County) 1875-1905; 1917- +maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
88-5.1-27 Civil Case Files 1875-1905; 1917- +destroy after 5 years from date of final judgment.
88-5.1-28 Fee Books, Civil 1875-1905; 1917- +destroy 10 years after completion of volume.
(Formerly schedules 85-6-1 through 12). Transfer any and all naturalization records immediately to the Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration through the IOJA. See Indiana Rules of Court, 1991, page 675 for list.
85-7-01Order Book 1853-1865transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
85-7-02Case Files 1853-1865transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
85-8.1-01RInsane Record/Mental Health Record 1848- +maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-8.1-02 Insanity Inquests/M.H. Hearing, Case Files 1848-1990 destroy 7 years after discharge.
85-8.1-03RProceedings to Recommit to a Hospital for Insane 1881-1927 maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
85-8.1-04RGen. Index to Insane/Mental Health Record (discretionary) -1990 maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
94-8.1-05Commitment Files, Alcoholism 1929- + destroy 7 years after discharge.
85-8.2-01Commitment Order Book, Epilepsy IC 16-14-9.11907-1990transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration 20 years after last entry.
85-8.2-02Commitment Files, Epilepsy IC 16-14-9.11907-1990destroy 2 years after discharge of patient.
85-8.3-01Commitment Order Book, Feeble-minded IC 16-15-1-21901-1990transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration 20 years after last entry.
85-8.3-02Commitment Files, Feeble-minded IC 16-15-1-21901-1990destroy 2 years after discharge of patient.
85-8.4-01 Riley Hosp'l Order Book 1924-1943 transfer to Archives Division, Indiana Archives and Records Administration.
85-8.4-02 Case Files, Riley Hosp'l 1924-1943 destroy.
85-8.5-01 Commitment Files, Children to Public Hospitals 1933-1943 destroy.
85-8.6-01 IU Medical Center Order Book 1939-1943 destroy.
85-8.6-02 Case Files, IU Medical Center 1939-1943 destroy.
85-8.7-01Record of Receiverships IC 34-2-6-11911-1990destroy 20 years after date of last entry.
85-8.7-02Files, Receivership Affidavit of Assets and Liabilities 1911-1990destroy 20 years after filing.
85-8.7-03Files, Receivership Claims 1911-1990destroy 20 years after filing.
85-8.8-01R Drainage Petitions and Case Files 1881-1990 maintain permanently (may microfilm after 10 years).
85-8.8-02R Drainage Order Book 1881-1990 maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer of originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
87-9-01Jury Lists (name slips and lists) 1790- +maintain for 10 years unless entered in order book. If entered in order book, destroy 2 years after drawing.
87-9-02ROrder Book, Appellate Court Decisions c. 1880- +maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
87-9-03RAppellate Court Decisions 1790- +maintain permanently. May microfilm after 20 years and transfer originals to the Indiana Archives and Records Administration or otherwise dispose of upon approval of the IOJA.
90-9-04 Jury Record (List of Jurors) Serving on Specific Cases/Time Book (ledger) 1853- + destroy 3 years after volume is filled and after audit by State Board of Accounts.
90-9-05Jury Questionnaire Forms 1881- + destroy after 2 years from date of creation.
05-9-06Documentation supporting juror disqualifications, exemptions, and deferrals 2003 - +retain for a minimum of two (2) years.
05-9-07Digital Master created in accordance with Administrative Rule 62005 - +deposit digital master (regardless of medium [used for generation of microfilm]) with the Indiana Archives and Records Administration Vault for security backup.
94-10-01Case Files 1991- +Apply existing schedules for each jurisdiction, adjudicated & dismissed.
94-10-02Indexes1991- +Apply existing schedules for each jurisdiction.
94-10-03Chronological Case Summary (CCS) 1991- +For all types (except for IF/OV), maintain permanently. May microfilm 5 years after final disposition. If maintained electronically, guarantee capacity to generate hard copy at any time. For IF/OV, destroy 10 years after final disposition.
94-10-04Record of Designated Judgments and Orders (RJO) 1991 Maintain each type permanently. May microfilm 2 years after completion of volume in accordance with standards set in Administrative Rule 6. If maintained electronically, guarantee capacity to generate hard copy at any time.

Ind. Admin. R. 7

Adopted Nov. 4, 1985, effective 1/1/1988; amended Oct. 30, 1986, effective 1/1/1987; amended Dec. 7, 1987, effective 1/1/1988; amended Nov. 10, 1988, effective 1/1/1989; amended effective 2/16/1989; amended Nov. 30, 1989, effective 1/1/1990; amended Nov. 13, 1990, effective 1/1/1991; amended Nov. 1, 1991, effective 1/1/1992; amended Oct. 30, 1992, effective 1/1/1993; amended Oct. 29, 1993, effective 1/1/1994; amended Dec. 5, 1994, effective 2/1/1995; amended Dec. 15, 1995, effective 2/1/1996; amended Aug. 15, 2006, Jan. 1, 2007; amended Sept. 10, 2007, effective 1/1/2008; amended Sept. 15, 2009, effective 1/1/2010; amended Oct. 11, 2012, effective 1/1/2013; amended effective 9/1/2016; amended Nov. 1, 2017, effective 1/1/2018; amended June 19, 2019, effective 7/1/2019.