Rule 11.09 - PARENTING EDUCATIONA. The Circuit Court of McHenry County has the responsibility and duty to protect the interests of minor children whose parents are engaged in litigation dissolving their marriage. The litigation process is stressful, but particularly so when the family is undergoing a change in structure. It is at such a time, and in its aftermath, that activities harmful to the child can occur. Therefore, it is to the benefit of all such parents, regardless of their parenting skills, and in the best interest of their minor children, that they take time from the immediate personal concerns to consider the impact of the dissolution process on their children.B. In furtherance of this policy and to implement the provisions of 750 ILCS 5/404.1 (1994), a Family Parenting Program (FPP) shall be established as a resource to the Circuit Court. 1. The program may be contracted for and shall be overseen by the Chief Judge or his or her designee.2. The contents of the FPP shall be directed to the best interests of the minor children of the parties to dissolution or post-dissolution proceedings and shall concern the effects of divorce on children. The program shall be educational in nature and not designed for individual therapy. The program shall not exceed four (4) hours in duration.3. The parenting program described above shall be financially self-supportive through court-assessed fees paid by the parties attending the program. The amount of the fee to be assessed for the program shall be related to the cost of conducting the program and shall be determined by the Chief Judge or his or her designee. The fee may be waived by the court for a good cause shown.C. All parents of minor children who have appeared or who have otherwise personally submitted to the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of McHenry County in any pending dissolution of marriage proceeding or any post-judgment proceeding wherein there is an issue of modification of significant decisions making responsibility, parenting time or relocation or any pending parentage action pursuant to 750 ILCS 45/1 et. seq. shall attend the FPP unless excused for a good cause.D. All parents shall complete the FPP no later than 60 days after the initial scheduling conference or prior to the entry of final judgment or order, whichever occurs first unless excused by the court for a good cause. All parents in a parentage action shall complete the FPP prior to the entry of a final support and parenting time judgment unless excused by the court. The Trial Court may, in the best interest of the minor children, delay the presentment of evidence or the entry of part or all of the court's findings pending completion of FPP· by the parents.E. The judge assigned to a case other than described in C above may, in the exercise of discretion, require parents of minor children or other parties to attend the FPP.F. Where a party required to attend the FPP resides outside of the Twenty-Second Circuit, the court may authorize attendance at another similar parenting program in lieu of the FPP.G. Persons registered for a session who do not attend and do not cancel at least 24 hours in advance shall be required to reregister and pay an additional full fee.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. McHenry Cnty. 11.09