Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 15.22.04

As amended through December 2, 2024
(a) After due notice has been given, unless either party opts out of arbitration in writing on the Court date when the Petition for Setting Final Fees and Costs is initially presented to the Court, the dispute will be assigned to arbitration. If neither party opts out of arbitration, the arbitration shall be binding on the parties.
(b) Fee proceedings shall be stayed until the conclusion of the arbitration and a party shall refrain from any collection activities related to disputed sums pending the outcome of the arbitration.
(c) Once the arbitration process has commenced, neither party may withdraw from arbitration.
(d) All parties to the arbitration hearing must participate in the hearing in good faith and in a meaningful manner.

Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 15.22.04