Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 5.12

As amended through December 2, 2024
(a) Electronic service is not capable of conferring jurisdiction. Therefore, regarding electronically filed cases, documents that require personal service to confer jurisdiction as a matter of law may not be served electronically through an e-file vendor, but must be served in the conventional manner.
(b) All other documents may be served upon the other parties or their representatives electronically through the e-file vendor. The filing party or attorney shall be responsible for completing electronic service of these other documents using the vendor's system.
(c) If a party or party's designee has not subscribed to a vendor's services, service of all other documents via facsimile transmission is hereby authorized. In the event of service via facsimile, the vendor's system will record the date and time the fax transmission was completed in the proof of service for that transaction. If neither e-file nor fax transmission service is possible, the vendor shall provide service by mail and charge back the cost to the subscriber.
(d) E-service via email shall be deemed complete on the first court day following transmission by the e-file vendor or party. The electronic service of a pleading or other document shall be considered as valid and effective service on all parties and shall have the same legal effect as personal service of an original paper document.
(e) If electronic service on a party does not occur because of (1) inaccessibility to the Vendor's system, (2) an error in the vendor's transmission of notice to the party being served, (3) the vendor's failure to process the electronic filing for service or (4) the party was erroneously excluded from the service list, the party to be served shall, absent extraordinary circumstances, be entitled to an order extending the date for any response or the period within which any right, duty or other act must be performed.
(f) The e-filing vendor is required to maintain an e-service list for each e-filed case. The vendor shall immediately update the service list upon being given notice of new contact information. Whenever a document is submitted for service upon other parties by the efiling vendor's system, the e-filing vendor shall use the most current e-service list to perform service.
(g) All subscribers and other participants must immediately, but not later than ten business days prior to when such a change takes effect, notify other parties, the Clerk and the e-filing vendor of any change of firm name, delivery address, fax number or email address.
(h) Paper courtesy copies of documents customarily required to be provided to the court shall continue to be required in e-file cases, absent a specific court order to the contrary.

Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 5.12