As amended through December 19, 2024
Rule 63 - Exemption, Excuse, and Postponements from Jury Service(a) There shall be no automatic exemptions or excuses from jury service.(b) Postponements of jury service are preferred over excuses.(c) Any postponement of jury service shall be for the shortest period of time reasonable, and shall be to a date certain at which time the juror's name or identifying number shall be placed in the next available jury panel.(d) The jury commissioner shall make the court aware in writing of multiple requests for postponement made by any prospective juror.(e) Qualified prospective jurors who are summoned may have their jury service postponed or excused if: (i) the person is seventy (70) years of age or older and requests to be excused which may be a permanent excuse if requested,(ii) the person's ability to receive and evaluate information is so impaired that they are unable to satisfactorily perform the duties of a juror, (iii) the person requests to postpone jury service and undue hardship, extreme inconvenience, or public necessity is shown, or(iv) the person is a mother breastfeeding her child.(f) The person requesting a postponement may be required to provide a written statement setting forth the reason for the request and the amount of time needed.(g) The court or jury commissioner may require a person requesting postponement for any medical reason to provide a statement from a medical provider supporting such request.(h) A postponement shall be for a period of time as the presiding judge or the jury commissioner deems necessary, at the conclusion of which the person shall reappear for jury service in accordance with the directive of the presiding judge or jury commissioner.Adopted March 28, 1986, effective 7/1/1986; amended May 4, 2001, effective 7/1/2001; amended November 17, 2021, effective 1/1/2022; amended February 25, 2022, effective 2/28/2022.