As amended through December 19, 2024
The following capitalized terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
(a)Active or Active Member. A member of the Bar who is licensed to practice law in Idaho, who is in compliance with the Active licensing requirements under Rule 302 and whose right to practice law is not currently limited under I.B.C.R. Section V by order of the Supreme Court.(b)Bar. The Idaho State Bar.(c)Bar Counsel. Legal counsel for the Board.(d)Board. Board of Commissioners, the duly elected governing body of the Bar.(e)Canceled. Status of an attorney whose license has been canceled by the Supreme Court based on noncompliance with licensing requirements.(f)Court or Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of the State of Idaho.(g)Executive Director. The chief administrative officer of the Bar.(h)Emeritus or Emeritus Member. A member of the Bar who has been granted a limited license to practice law in Idaho under I.B.C.R. 228.(i)Good Standing. The standing of a member of the Bar who is in compliance with the licensing requirements of Rule 302 and whose right to practice law is not currently limited under I.B.C.R. Section V by order of the Supreme Court.(j)House Counsel or House Counsel Member. A member of the Bar who has been granted a limited license to practice law in Idaho under I.B.C.R. 225.(k)I.B.C.R. Idaho Bar Commission Rules.(l)Inactive or Inactive Member. A member of the Bar who is not licensed to practice law in Idaho and has met the Inactive licensing requirements under Rule 302, provided: (1) Attorneys who were "affiliate members" prior to the effective date of these Rules shall be Inactive Members; and(2) Attorneys who were "inactive members" prior to the effective date of these Rules shall be considered resigned unless they Transfer status under Rule 306 and pay an additional $150 Transfer fee by March 1, 2013, provided an extension may be granted at the discretion of the Executive Director.(m)I.R.P.C. Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct.(n)Judicial or Judicial Member. All magistrates, district court judges and appellate court judges of the State of Idaho and all judges of the U.S. District Court of Idaho.(o)MCLE. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education.(p)Member. For purposes of these Rules, an attorney who is currently an Active, Inactive, Emeritus, Judicial, Senior or House Counsel Member of the Bar.(q)Resigned. Status of an attorney who voluntarily resigns his or her license or whose license is deemed resigned under Rule 305.(r)Retired Judicial. A former Judicial Member who previously qualified for judicial membership under IBCR 301(n) and is not licensed to practice law in Idaho.(s)Rules. Section III of the I.B.C.R.(t)Senior or Senior Member. A member of the Bar aged sixty-five (65) years or older who is not licensed to practice law in Idaho and has been granted Senior status under Rule 302(d).(u)State. State of Idaho.(v)Transfer. Change in membership status.Section (s) amended 2/25/2016; effective 7/1/2016; amended December 28, 2023, effective 5/1/2024.