Haw. R. App. P. 8

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 8 - Stays, Supersedeas Bonds, or Injunctions Pending Appeal
(a)Motions for stay, supersedeas bond or injunction in the appellate courts. A motion for stay of the judgment or order in a civil appeal, or for approval of a supersedeas bond, or for an order suspending, modifying, restoring, or granting an injunction during the pendency of an appeal shall ordinarily be made in the first instance to the court or agency appealed from.

A motion for such relief on an appeal may be made to the appellate court before which the appeal is pending or to a judge thereof, but, if the appeal is from a court, the motion shall show that application to the court appealed from for the relief sought is not practicable, or that the court appealed from has denied an application, or has failed to afford the relief the applicant requested, with the reasons given by the court appealed from for its action. The motion shall also show the reasons for the relief requested and the facts relied upon, and, if the facts are subject to dispute, the motion shall be supported by affidavits, declarations, or other sworn statements or copies thereof. With the motion shall be filed such copies of parts of the record as are relevant. Notice of the motion shall be given to all parties. The motion shall be filed with the appellate clerk and should ordinarily be considered by the appellate court, but in exceptional cases where such procedure would be impracticable due to the requirements of time, the application may be made to and considered by a single judge or justice of the court. If the motion for such relief is from an agency, the motion shall comply with statutory requirements, if any.

(b) Stay may be conditioned upon giving of bond; proceedings against sureties. Relief available in the appellate courts under this rule may be conditioned upon the filing of a bond or other appropriate security in the court or agency appealed from. If security is given in the form of a bond or stipulation or other undertaking with one or more sureties, the bond, stipulation, or undertaking shall comply with applicable statutes, and each surety submits to the jurisdiction of the court or agency appealed from and irrevocably appoints the clerk of the court as the surety's agent upon whom any documents affecting liability on the bond or undertaking may be served. Liability may be enforced on motion in the court or agency appealed from without the necessity of an independent action. The motion and such notice of the motion as the court or agency prescribes may be served on the clerk of the court appealed from, who shall forthwith mail copies to the sureties if their addresses are known.
(c) Stays in criminal cases. Stays in criminal cases shall be had according to law.

Haw. R. App. P. 8

Amended April 13, 1985, effective 4/23/1985; further amended December 6, 1999, effective 1/1/2000; further amended August 30, 2010, effective 9/27/2010.