Haw. Ct. Rec. R. 10.17

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 10.17 - Electronic Court and ADLRO Records: Requests for Bulk or Discrete Data and Compiled Information
(a) The Administrative Director may grant requests for bulk, discrete, or compiled information from accessible electronic court and ADLRO records or from confidential records, provided (1) the bulk or discrete data distribution, compiling of information, and/or transmission of data will not unreasonably interfere with the Judiciary's operations and/or governmental functions, (2) the requestor pays all charges for programming the computers, linking systems, and transmitting the data, and (3) when required by law, access is approved by a court of competent jurisdiction. A requestor should not be granted direct access to any production computer system or data base in the usual course. The Administrative Director may take such actions as are necessary to protect the Judiciary's computer systems, data bases, and web sites from automated data mining or other threats to the integrity of the systems.
(b) Requests for bulk or discrete data or compiled information from electronic court and ADLRO records shall be made in writing to the Administrative Director or to the Administrative Director's designee.
(c) Requests for bulk, discrete, or compiled information shall be acted upon or responded to within a reasonable time.
(d) The Administrative Director may approve a request for bulk, discrete, or compiled information upon finding that (1) approving the request is consistent with these rules and any statutes that govern access to court records, (2) resources and technical capacity are available to prepare the information, (3) fulfilling the request is an appropriate use of public resources, and (4) distributing or compiling the information will not interfere with the Judiciary's operations and/or governmental functions. In lieu of the process set out in this Rule 10.17, the Administrative Director may require that requests for bulk, discrete, or compiled information be made to, and processed by, the Hawai'i Information Consortium.
(e) The Administrative Director shall require a requestor to pay reasonable charges to distribute bulk, discrete, or compiled information.
(f) Personal information shall be safeguarded. Except for data transmission to law enforcement agencies, a bulk, discrete, or compiled data distribution shall not contain complete personal information. A bulk, discrete, or compiled data distribution may provide the last four digits of social security numbers, and zip codes of home addresses. The restriction on the release of personal information from court and ADLRO records may be waived only by the Administrative Director or the Administrative Director's designee.

Haw. Ct. Rec. R. 10.17

Amended June 21, 2012, effective 9/1/2012.