A chief judge of a juvenile court or a chief judge of a superior court in a county where a superior court judge has juvenile court jurisdiction may elect to create judicial citizen review panels. If a judge elects to create judicial citizen review panels, he or she shall file a statement of intent with the Council of Juvenile Court Judges (hereinafter referred to as the "Council"). The Council shall then determine if there are adequate staff and resources available for the creation and operation of a judicial citizen review panel program and shall notify the court in writing of its determination within a reasonable time after receiving the statement of intent. If the Council determines that there are adequate resources to establish judicial citizen review panels, the Council shall notify the court in writing of this, and such written notice shall serve as the formal creation of a judicial citizen review panel program. Such panels shall be conducted in the manner set forth in O.C.G.A. §§ 15-11-216, 15-11-217, and 15-11-218 and shall employ the standards and procedures as mandated by such statutes, these rules, and Program Guidelines approved by the Council standing committee on permanency planning (hereinafter referred to as "Program Guidelines"). Only those courts that agree to operate under such terms and conditions shall be deemed to be in compliance with O.C.G.A. §§ 15-11-216, 15-11-217, and 15-11-218.
Ga. R. Juv. Ct. 10.1