R. Regul. Fl. Bar 8-3.2

As amended through January 1, 2025
(a) Quarterly Reports. Any lawyer referral service approved by The Florida Bar and operated by a local bar association must submit quarterly reports to The Florida Bar containing:
(1) a statement of the sources of income by category and amount;
(2) a statement of expenditures by category and amount;
(3) the number of lawyers who were members of the lawyer referral service for the reporting period and special panels, if any;
(4) the number of inquiries received by the referral service from members of the public during the reporting period;
(5) the number of referrals for legal services made by the service during the reporting period;
(6) the number of referrals for nonlegal services made by the service during the reporting period;
(7) a statement of the operation of the lawyer referral service, including the number of personnel employed and the means by which referrals are made by the service; and
(8) a statement of changes, if any, to the bylaws and regulations governing the lawyer referral service.
(b) Annual Report. Any lawyer referral service approved by The Florida Bar and operated by a local bar association must submit an annual report to The Florida Bar that contains the information in the quarterly reports above plus a proposed budget for the following year and a statement of any material changes in the operation of the lawyer referral service since the filing of the initial application or the immediate past annual report, whichever is later.
(c) Disciplinary History Request for New Applicants. Any lawyer referral service approved under this chapter must notify The Florida Bar in the manner specified by the bar of each new applicant and obtain that applicant's disciplinary history before admitting the applicant to membership.
(d) Notice of Removal or Resignation of Panel Members. Any lawyer referral service approved under this chapter must notify The Florida Bar in the manner specified by the bar of each member who is removed from or voluntarily stops participation with the approved lawyer referral service.

R. Regul. Fl. Bar 8-3.2

Amended July 23, 1992, effective 1/1/1993 (605 So.2d 252); 7/1/1993 (621 So.2d 1032); amended May 9, 2024, effective 7/8/2024 (SC2024-0030).