Rule 6-3.2 - CERTIFICATION COMMITTEES(a) Initial Certification Committees. For each certification area approved by the Supreme Court of Florida, a 9-member committee, bearing the name of the area, shall be appointed by the president of The Florida Bar, with the advice and consent of the board of governors. Initial committee appointees shall be eminent attorneys in each field, shall be members in good standing of The Florida Bar, shall have been admitted to The Florida Bar no less than 10 years, and must meet such other requirements as may in the future be promulgated by the board of legal specialization and education. Initial committee appointees shall be certified in the applicable area of practice by reason of appointment to that area's certification committee. The committee members shall hold office for 3 years and until their successors are appointed. The committee members shall be appointed to staggered terms of office, and the initial appointees shall serve as follows: 3 members shall serve until June 30 next following their appointment, 3 members shall serve until the second June 30 following their appointment, and 3 members shall serve until the third June 30 following their appointment.(b) Subsequent Certification Committees. Subsequent certification committee appointees shall be appointed by the president-elect of The Florida Bar. must be certified in the area at the time of appointment, must be members in good standing of The Florida Bar, and must meet such other requirements as may be promulgated by the board of legal specialization and education. Upon the recommendation of the board of legal specialization and education and the approval of The Florida Bar Board of Governors, the composition of a certification committee may be adjusted to no fewer than 5 members or no more than 15 members. Committee members shall be appointed to staggered terms of office.Amended Sept. 21, 1989, effective 10/1/1989 (548 So.2d 1120); 7/23/1992, effective 1/1/1993 (605 So.2d 252); 7/1/1993 (621 So.2d 1032); 2/8/2001 (795 So.2d 1). Amended April 12, 2012, effective 7/1/2012 (SC10-1967).