Fl. R. Juv. P. form 8.929
Pick up order for absconding from:
..... home detention
..... probation
..... commitment
..... other: ..................
Present before the court:
..... the child;
..........(name), Assistant State Attorney;
..........(name), Assistant Public Defender/defense attorney;
..........(name)....., parent/legal guardian;
..........(name)....., DJJ juvenile probation officer;
..........(name)....., Department of Children and Family Services
..........(name)....., guardian ad litem
DJJ Supervision status:
..... None
..... Home detention
..... Probation
..... Committed to ..... level
..... Conditional release
Other court involvement:
Dependency: .....Yes .....No .....Unknown
Domestic relations: .....Yes .....No .....Unknown
Domestic violence: .....Yes .....No .....Unknown
The court finds that the child was taken into custody at ..... a.m./p.m., on .....(date)......
Probable cause that the child committed delinquent acts was:
..... found.
..... not found.
..... reset within 48 hours of custody.
Risk assessment instrument (RAI) score: ..........
Score amended to: ..........
..... Meets detention criteria.
IT IS ORDERED that the above-named child be:
..... released to the custody of .....(name)......
..... held in secure detention for domestic violence charge under section 985.245, Florida Statutes.
The court finds:
..... respite care is not available for the child; and
..... it is necessary to place the child in secure detention to protect the victim from injury.
..... detained by the Department of Juvenile Justice in
..... home detention.
..... home detention with electronic monitoring.
..... secure detention.
with the following special conditions:
..... attend school regularly.
..... attend evaluation as follows:
..... physical.
..... psychological.
..... ADM.
..... other .....................
..... no (..... harmful) contact with .....(name)......
..... drug testing.
..... no drug and alcohol use.
..... other: ....................
..... released from detention and returned to the child's nonresidential commitment program.
Reasons for court ordering more restrictive placement than RAI score:....
It is FURTHER ORDERED that unless an adjudicatory hearing has begun or a subsequent modification order is entered, the child shall be released no later than 5:00 p.m. on .....(date)..... to .....(name(s))....., who is/are
.....the parent(s)
.....a relative
..... foster care
......... program
.....other .....................
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED under section 985.039, Florida Statutes
..... The parent/guardian of the child, .....(name)....., shall pay to the Department of Juvenile Justice, 2737 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3100, $5 per day for each day the juvenile is in secure detention.
..... The parent/guardian of the child, .....(name)....., shall pay to the Department of Juvenile Justice, 2737 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3100, $1 per day for each day the child is in home detention.
..... The parent/guardian of the child, .....(name)....., shall pay to the Department of Juvenile Justice, 2737 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3100, a REDUCED rate of $..... per day for each day the child is in detention status. This reduced fee is based on the court's finding
..... that the parent/guardian was the victim of the delinquent act or violation of law for which the child is currently detained and is cooperating in the investigation of the offense; or
..... of indigency or significant financial hardship. The facts supporting this finding are: ....................
..... The parent/guardian of the child, .....(name)....., .....(address)....., shall be liable for .....% of the payment. The parent/guardian of the child, .....(name)....., .....(address)....., shall be liable for .....% of the payment.
..... The .....supervision fee/cost of care.....is WAIVED based on the court's finding
..... that the parent/guardian was the victim of the delinquent act or violation of law for which the child is currently detained and is cooperating in the investigation of the offense; or
..... of indigency or significant financial hardship. The facts supporting this finding are: ....................
If the child's case is dismissed or if the child is found not guilty of the charges or court order, then the parent/guardian shall not be liable for fees under this order.
Unless modified by subsequent notice, the NEXT COURT APPEARANCE:
..... will be at .....(time)..... on .....(date).....at .....(location).......
..... is to be set.
COMMENT: The following paragraph must be in bold, 14 pt. Times New Roman or Courier font.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact .....(name, address, telephone number)..... at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days. If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.
Note: The child's parent/legal guardian shall advise Clerk's Office and DJJ of any address change.
..... Department of Juvenile Justice shall transfer the child to .................... Detention Center.
Other: ......................
DONE AND ORDERED in ................. County, Florida at ..........a.m./p.m. on .....(date).....
Circuit Judge
Copies to: ....................
Fl. R. Juv. P. form 8.929