Fl. R. Crim. P. 3.852

As amended through January 1, 2025
(a) Applicability and Scope.
(1) This rule is applicable only to the production of public records for capital postconviction defendants and does not change or alter the time periods specified in Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.851. Furthermore, this rule does not affect, expand, or limit the production of public records for any purposes other than use in a proceeding held pursuant to rule 3.850 or rule 3.851.
(2) This rule shall not be a basis for renewing requests that have been initiated previously or for relitigating issues pertaining to production of public records upon which a court has ruled prior to October 1, 1998.
(3) This rule is to be used in conjunction with the forms found at Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.993.
(b) Definitions.
(1) "Public records" has the meaning set forth in section 119.011, Florida Statutes.
(2) "Trial court" means:
(A) the judge who entered the judgment and imposed the sentence of death; or
(B) the judge assigned by the chief judge.
(3) "Records repository" means the location designated by the secretary of state pursuant to section 27.7081, Florida Statutes, for archiving capital postconviction public records.
(4) "Collateral counsel" means a capital collateral regional counsel from one of the three regions in Florida; a private attorney who has been appointed to represent a capital defendant for postconviction litigation; or a private attorney who has been hired by the capital defendant or who has agreed to work pro bono for a capital defendant for postconviction litigation.
(5) "Agency" means an entity or individual as defined in section 119.011, Florida Statutes, that is subject to the requirements of producing public records for inspection under section 119.07, Florida Statutes.
(6) "Index" means a list of the public records included in each container of public records sent to the records repository.
(c) Filing and Service.
(1) The original of all notices, requests, or objections filed under this rule must be filed with the clerk of the trial court. Copies must be served on the trial court, the attorney general, the state attorney, collateral counsel, and any affected person or agency, unless otherwise required by this rule.
(2) Service shall be made pursuant to Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.030.
(3) In all instances requiring written notification or request, the party who has the obligation of providing a notification or request shall provide proof of receipt.
(4) Persons and agencies receiving postconviction public records notifications or requests pursuant to this rule are not required to furnish records filed in a trial court prior to the receipt of the notice.
(d) Action Upon Issuance of Mandate.
(1) Within 15 days after receiving written notification of the Supreme Court of Florida's mandate affirming the sentence of death, the attorney general shall file with the trial court a written notice of the mandate and serve a copy of it upon the state attorney who prosecuted the case, the Department of Corrections, and the defendant's trial counsel. The notice to the state attorney shall direct the state attorney to submit public records to the records repository within 90 days after receipt of written notification and to notify each law enforcement agency involved in the investigation of the capital offense, with a copy to the trial court, to submit public records to the records repository within 90 days after receipt of written notification. The notice to the Department of Corrections shall direct the department to submit public records to the records repository within 90 days after receipt of written notification. The attorney general shall make a good faith effort to assist in the timely production of public records and written notices of compliance by the state attorney and the Department of Corrections with copies to the trial court.
(2) Within 90 days after receiving written notification of issuance of the Supreme Court of Florida's mandate affirming a death sentence, the state attorney shall provide written notification to the attorney general and to the trial court of the name and address of any additional person or agency that has public records pertinent to the case.
(3) Within 90 days after receiving written notification of issuance of the Supreme Court of Florida's mandate affirming a death sentence, the defendant's trial counsel shall provide written notification to the attorney general and to the trial court of the name and address of any person or agency with information pertinent to the case which has not previously been provided to collateral counsel.
(4) Within 15 days after receiving written notification of any additional person or agency pursuant to subdivision (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this rule, the attorney general shall notify all persons or agencies identified pursuant to subdivisions (d)(2) or (d)(3), with a copy to the trial court, that these persons or agencies are required by law to copy, index, and deliver to the records repository all public records pertaining to the case that are in their possession. The person or agency shall bear the costs related to copying, indexing, and delivering the records. The attorney general shall make a good faith effort to assist in the timely production of public records and a written notice of compliance by each additional person or agency with a copy to the trial court.
(e) Action Upon Receipt of Notice of Mandate.
(1) Within 15 days after receipt of a written notice of the mandate from the attorney general, the state attorney shall provide written notification to each law enforcement agency involved in the specific case to submit public records to the records repository within 90 days after receipt of written notification. A copy of the notice shall be served upon the defendant's trial counsel and the trial court. The state attorney shall make a good faith effort to assist in the timely production of public records and a written notice of compliance by each law enforcement agency with a copy to the trial court.
(2) Within 90 days after receipt of a written notice of the mandate from the attorney general, the state attorney shall copy, index, and deliver to the records repository all public records, in a current, nonproprietary technology format, that were produced in the state attorney's investigation or prosecution of the case. The state attorney shall bear the costs. The state attorney shall also provide written notification to the attorney general and the trial court of compliance with this section, including certifying that, to the best of the state attorney's knowledge or belief, all public records in the state attorney's possession have been copied, indexed, and delivered to the records repository as required by this rule.
(3) Within 90 days after receipt of written notification of the mandate from the attorney general, the Department of Corrections shall copy, index, and deliver to the records repository all public records, in a current, nonproprietary technology format, determined by the department to be relevant to the subject matter of a proceeding under rule 3.851, unless such copying, indexing, and delivering would be unduly burdensome. To the extent that the records determined by the department to be relevant to the subject matter of a proceeding under rule 3.851 are the defendant's medical, psychological, substance abuse, or psychiatric records, upon receipt of express consent by the defendant or pursuant to the authority of a court of competent jurisdiction, the department shall provide a copy of the defendant's medical, psychological, substance abuse, and psychiatric records to the defendant's counsel of record. The department shall bear the costs. The secretary of the department shall provide written notification to the attorney general and the trial court of compliance with this section certifying that, to the best of the secretary of the department's knowledge or belief, all such public records in the possession of the secretary of the department have been copied, indexed, and delivered to the records repository.
(4) Within 90 days after receipt of written notification of the mandate from the state attorney, a law enforcement agency shall copy, index, and deliver to the records repository all public records, in a current, nonproprietary technology format, which were produced in the investigation or prosecution of the case. Each agency shall bear the costs. The chief law enforcement officer of each law enforcement agency shall provide written notification to the attorney general and the trial court of compliance with this section including certifying that, to the best of the chief law enforcement officer's knowledge or belief, all such public records in possession of the agency or in possession of any employee of the agency, have been copied, indexed, and delivered to the records repository.
(5) Within 90 days after receipt of written notification of the mandate from the attorney general, each additional person or agency identified pursuant to subdivision (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this rule shall copy, index, and deliver to the records repository all public records, in a current, nonproprietary technology format, which were produced during the prosecution of the case. The person or agency shall bear the costs. The person or agency shall provide written notification to the attorney general and the trial court of compliance with this subdivision and shall certify, to the best of the person or agency's knowledge and belief, all such public records in the possession of the person or agency have been copied, indexed, and delivered to the records repository.
(f) Exempt or Confidential Public Records.
(1) Any public records delivered to the records repository pursuant to these rules that are confidential or exempt from the requirements of section 119.07, Florida Statutes, or article I, section 24(a), Florida Constitution, must be separately contained, without being redacted, and sealed. The outside of the container must clearly identify that the public record is confidential or exempt and that the seal may not be broken without an order of the trial court. The outside of the container must identify the nature of the public records and the legal basis for the exemption.
(2) Upon the entry of an appropriate court order, sealed containers subject to an inspection by the trial court shall be shipped to the clerk of court. The containers may be opened only for inspection by the trial court in camera. The moving party shall bear all costs associated with the transportation and inspection of such records by the trial court. The trial court shall perform the unsealing and inspection without ex parte communications and in accord with procedures for reviewing sealed documents.
(3) Collateral counsel must file a motion for in camera inspection within 30 days of receipt of the notice of delivery of the sealed records to the central records repository, or the in camera inspection will be deemed waived.
(g) Demand for Additional Public Records.
(1) Within 240 days after collateral counsel is appointed, retained, or appears pro bono, such counsel shall send a written demand for additional public records to each person or agency submitting public records or identified as having information pertinent to the case under subdivision (d) of this rule, with a copy to the trial court. However, if collateral counsel was appointed prior to October 1, 2001, then within 90 days after collateral counsel is appointed, retained, or appears pro bono, such counsel shall send a written demand for additional public records to each person or agency submitting public records or identified as having information pertinent to the case under subdivision (d) of this rule.
(2) Within 90 days of receipt of the written demand, each person or agency notified under this subdivision shall deliver to the records repository any additional public records in the possession of the person or agency that pertain to the case and shall certify to the best of the person or agency's knowledge and belief that all additional public records have been delivered to the records repository or, if no additional public records are found, shall recertify that the public records previously delivered are complete. To the extent that the additional public records are the defendant's Department of Corrections' medical, psychological, substance abuse, or psychiatric records, upon receipt of express consent by the defendant or pursuant to the authority of a court of competent jurisdiction, the department shall provide a copy of the defendant's medical, psychological, substance abuse, and psychiatric records to the defendant's counsel of record. A copy of each person's or agency's certification shall be provided to the trial court.
(3) Within 60 days of receipt of the written demand, any person or agency may file with the trial court an objection to the written demand described in subdivision (g)(1). The trial court shall hear and rule on any objection no later than the next 90-day status conference after the filing of the objection, ordering a person or agency to produce additional public records if the court determines each of the following exists:
(A) Collateral counsel has made a timely and diligent search as provided in this rule.
(B) Collateral counsel's written demand identifies, with specificity, those additional public records that are not at the records repository.
(C) The additional public records sought are relevant to the subject matter of a proceeding under rule 3.851, or appear reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
(D) The additional public records request is not overly broad or unduly burdensome.
(h) Cases in Which Mandate was Issued Prior to Effective Date of Rule.
(1) If the mandate affirming a defendant's conviction and sentence of death was issued prior to October 1, 1998, and no initial public records requests have been made by collateral counsel by that date, the attorney general and the state attorney shall file notifications with the trial court as required by subdivisions (d) and (e) of this rule.
(2) If on October 1, 1998, a defendant is represented by collateral counsel and has initiated the public records process, collateral counsel shall, within 90 days after October 1, 1998, or within 90 days after the production of records which were requested prior to October 1, 1998, whichever is later, file with the trial court and serve a written demand for any additional public records that have not previously been the subject of a request for public records. The request for these records shall be treated the same as a request pursuant to subdivisions (d)(3) and (d)(4) of this rule, and the records shall be copied, indexed, and delivered to the repository as required in subdivision (e)(5) of this rule.
(3) Within 10 days of the signing of a defendant's death warrant, collateral counsel may request in writing the production of public records from a person or agency from which collateral counsel has previously requested public records. A person or agency shall copy, index, and deliver to the repository any public record:
(A) that was not previously the subject of an objection;
(B) that was received or produced since the previous request; or
(C) that was, for any reason, not produced previously.

The person or agency providing the records shall bear the costs of copying, indexing, and delivering such records. If none of these circumstances exist, the person or agency shall file with the trial court and the parties an affidavit stating that no other records exist and that all public records have been produced previously. A person or agency shall comply with this subdivision within 10 days from the date of the written request or such shorter time period as is ordered by the court.

(4) In all instances in subdivision (h) which require written notification the receiving party shall provide proof of receipt by return mail or other carrier.
(i) Limitation on Postproduction Request for Additional Records.
(1) In order to obtain public records in addition to those provided under subdivisions (e), (f), (g), and (h) of this rule, collateral counsel shall file an affidavit in the trial court which:
(A) attests that collateral counsel has made a timely and diligent search of the records repository; and
(B) identifies with specificity those public records not at the records repository; and
(C) establishes that the additional public records are either relevant to the subject matter of the postconviction proceeding or are reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and
(D) shall be served in accord with subdivision (c)(1) of this rule.
(2) Within 30 days after the affidavit of collateral counsel is filed, the trial court may order a person or agency to produce additional public records only upon finding each of the following:
(A) collateral counsel has made a timely and diligent search of the records repository;
(B) collateral counsel's affidavit identifies with specificity those additional public records that are not at the records repository;
(C) the additional public records sought are either relevant to the subject matter of a proceeding under rule 3.851 or appear reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and
(D) the additional records request is not overly broad or unduly burdensome.
(j) Authority of the Court. In proceedings under this rule the trial court may:
(1) compel or deny disclosure of records;
(2) conduct an in-camera inspection;
(3) extend the times in this rule upon a showing of good cause;
(4) require representatives from government agencies to appear at status conferences to address public records issues;
(5) impose sanctions upon any party, person, or agency affected by this rule including initiating contempt proceedings, taxing expenses, extending time, ordering facts to be established, and granting other relief; and
(6) resolve any dispute arising under this rule unless jurisdiction is in an appellate court.
(k) Scope of Production and Resolution of Production Issues.
(1) Unless otherwise limited, the scope of production under any part of this rule shall be that the public records sought are not privileged or immune from production and are either relevant to the subject matter of the proceeding under rule 3.851 or are reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
(2) Any objections or motions to compel production of public records pursuant to this rule shall be filed within 30 days after the end of the production time period provided by this rule. Counsel for the party objecting or moving to compel shall file a copy of the objection or motion directly with the trial court. The trial court shall hold a hearing on the objection or motion on an expedited basis.
(l)Destruction of Records Repository Records. Sixty days after a capital sentence is carried out, after a defendant is released from incarceration following the granting of a pardon or reversal of the sentence, or after a defendant has been resentenced to a term of years, the attorney general shall provide written notification of this occurrence to the secretary of state with service in accord with subdivision (c)(1). After the expiration of the 60 days, the secretary of state may then destroy the copies of the records held by the records repository that pertain to that case, unless an objection to the destruction is filed in the trial court and served upon the secretary of state and in accord with subdivision (c)(1). If no objection has been served within the 60-day period, the records may then be destroyed. If an objection is served, the records shall not be destroyed until a final disposition of the objection.

Fl. R. Crim. P. 3.852

Amended by 163 So.3d 476, effective 4/30/2015; amended by 148 So. 3d 1171, effective 1/1/2015; amended by 140 So.3d 507, effective 7/1/2014; amended by 132 So.3d 123, effective 12/12/2013; amended by 102 So.3d 505, effective 9/1/2012; amended by 26 So.3d 534, effective 1/1/2010; amended by 887 So.2d 1090, effective 10/1/2004; amended by 802 So.2d 298, effective 10/1/2001; readopted by 763 So.2d 273, effective 1/14/2000; amended by 761 So.2d 1015, effective 7/1/1999; amended by 723 So.2d 163, effective 10/1/1998; amended by 683 So.2d 475, effective 10/31/1996.

Criminal Court Steering Committee Note

2014 Amendment. The rule is amended to require the state attorney and attorney general to manage compliance with the public records process.