Fl. R. Civ. P. form 1.924

As amended through September 12, 2024

I, (full legal name) (individually or an Employee of), being sworn, certify that the following information is true:

1. I have made diligent search and inquiry to discover the current residence of, who is [over 18 years old] [under 18 years old] [age is unknown] (circle one). Refer to checklist below and identify all actions taken (any additional information included such as the date the action was taken and the person with whom you spoke is helpful) (attach additional sheet if necessary):

[check all that apply]

_____ Inquiry of Social Security Information

_____ Telephone listings in the last known locations of defendant's residence

_____ Statewide directory assistance search

_____ Internet people finder search {specify sites searched}

_____ Voter registration in the area where defendant was last known to reside.

_____ Nationwide Masterfile Death Search

_____ Tax Collector's records in area where defendant was last known to reside.

_____ Tax Assessor's records in area where defendant was last known to reside

_____ Department of Motor vehicle records in the state of defendant's last known address

_____ Driver's License records search in the state of defendant's last known address.

_____ Department of Corrections records in the state of defendant's last known address.

_____ Federal Prison records search.

_____ Regulatory agencies for professional or occupation licensing.

_____ Inquiry to determine if defendant is in military service.

_____ Last known employment of defendant.

{List all additional efforts made to locate defendant}





Attempts to Serve Process and Results




_____ I inquired of the occupant of the premises whether the occupant knows the location of the borrower-defendant, with the following results:






2. _______________________ current residence [check one only]

_____ a. __________________'s currents residence is unknown to me

_____ b. __________________'s currents residence is in some state or county ___________ other than Florida and _________ 's last known address is



_____ c. The ____________, having residence in Florida, has been absent from Florida for more than 60 days proor to the date of this affidavit, or conceal him (her) self so that process cannot be served personal upon him or her, an I belive that there is no person in that state upon whom service of process would bind this absent or concealed __________.

I understand that I am swearing or affirming under oath to the truthfulness of the claims made in this affidavit and that the punishment for knowingly making a false statement includes fines and/or imprisonment.

Dated: _________


Signature of Affiant

Printed Name: ___________

Address: ____________

City, State, Zip: _________

Phone: ______

STATE OF_______


Sworn to or affirmed and signed before me on this ____day of __________, 20 ___. by ___________________.



STATE OF _________


(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned

Name of Notary Public)

______ Personally known

______ Produced identification

______ Type of identification produced: ________________

Fl. R. Civ. P. form 1.924

Added by 44 So.3d 555, effective 2/11/2010; added by 211 So.2d 174, effective 10/1/1968.

This form is used to obtain constructive service on the defendant.