Fla. Prob. R. 5.340

As amended through June 17, 2024
Rule 5.340 - INVENTORY
(a) Contents and Filing. Unless an inventory has been previously filed, the personal representative shall file an inventory of the estate within 60 days after issuance of letters. The inventory shall contain notice of the beneficiaries' rights under subdivision (e), list the estate with reasonable detail, and include for each listed item (excluding real property appearing to be protected homestead property) its estimated fair market value at the date of the decedent's death. Real property appearing to be protected homestead property shall be listed and so designated.
(b) Extension. On petition the time for filing the inventory may be extended by the court for cause shown without notice, except that the personal representative shall serve copies of the petition and order on the persons described in subdivision (d).
(c) Amendments. A supplementary or amended inventory containing the information required by subdivision (a) as to each affected item shall be filed and served by the personal representative if:
(1) the personal representative learns of property not included in the original inventory; or
(2) the personal representative learns that the estimated value or description indicated in the original inventory for any item is erroneous or misleading; or
(3) the personal representative determines the estimated fair market value of an item whose value was described as unknown in the original inventory.
(d) Service. The personal representative shall serve a copy of the inventory and all supplemental and amended inventories on the surviving spouse, each heir at law in an intestate estate, each residuary beneficiary in a testate estate, and any other interested person who may request it in writing
(e) Information. On request in writing, the personal representative shall provide the following:
(1) To the requesting residuary beneficiary or heir in an intestate estate, a written explanation of how the inventory value for an asset was determined or, if an appraisal was obtained, a copy of the appraisal.
(2) To any other requesting beneficiary, a written explanation of how the inventory value for each asset distributed or proposed to be distributed to that beneficiary was determined or, if an appraisal of that asset was obtained, a copy of the appraisal.
(f) Notice to Nonresiduary Beneficiaries. The personal representative shall provide to each nonresiduary beneficiary written notice of that beneficiary's right to receive a written explanation of how the inventory value for each asset distributed or proposed to be distributed to that beneficiary was determined or a copy of an appraisal, if any, of the asset.
(g) Elective Share Proceedings. Upon entry of an order determining the surviving spouse's entitlement to the elective share, the personal representative shall file an inventory of the property entering into the elective estate which shall identify the direct recipient, if any, of that property. The personal representative shall serve the inventory of the elective estate as provided in rule 5.360. On request in writing, the personal representative shall provide an interested person with a written explanation of how the inventory value for an asset was determined and shall permit an interested person to examine appraisals on which the inventory values are based.
(h) Verification. All inventories shall be verified by the personal representative.

FL. Prob. R. 5.340

Amended by 2021 WL 5121143, effective 11/4/2021; amended by 2021 WL 5050374, effective 10/28/2021; amended by 102 So.3d 505, effective 9/1/2012; amended by 50 So.3d 578, effective 1/1/2011; amended by 824 So.2d 849, effective 5/2/2002; amended by 807 So.2d 622, 816 So.2d 1095, effective 10/11/2001; amended by 531 So.2d 1261, effective 1/1/1989; amended by 458 So.2d 1079, 460 So.2d 906, effective 1/1/1985; amended by 387 So.2d 949, effective 1/1/1981; amended by 344 So.2d 828, effective 7/1/1977; amended by 324 So.2d 38, effective 1/1/1976; adopetd by 201 So. 2d 409, effective 1/1/1968.

Committee Notes

Inventories of the elective estate under subdivision (f) shall be afforded the same confidentiality as probate inventories. § 733.604(1) and (2), Fla. Stat.

Inventories are still required to be filed. Once filed, however, they are subject to the confidentiality provisions found in sections 733.604(1) and (2), Florida Statutes.

Constitutional protected homestead real property is not necessarily a probatable asset. Disclosure on the inventory of real property appearing to be constitutional protected homestead property informs interested persons of the homestead issue.

Interested persons are entitled to reasonable information about estate proceedings on proper request, including a copy of the inventory, an opportunity to examine appraisals, and other information pertinent to their interests in the estate. The rights of beneficiaries to information contained in estate inventories is limited by section 733.604(3), Florida Statutes. Inventories of the elective estate under subdivision (f) affects a broader class of interested persons who may obtain information regarding the assets disclosed therein subject to control by the court and the confidentiality afforded such inventories under section 733.604(1) and (2).

Rule History

1980 Revision: Eliminated the time limit in requesting a copy of the inventory by an interested person or in furnishing it by the personal representative.

1984 (First) Revision: Extensive changes. Committee notes revised.

1984 (Second) Revision: Subdivision (a) modified to clarify or re-insert continued filing requirement for inventory.

1988 Revision: Editorial changes in (b) and (d). Committee notes revised. Citation form changes in committee notes.

1992 Revision: Editorial changes. Committee notes revised. Citation form changes in committee notes.

2001 Revision: Subdivision (a) amended to conform to statutory changes. Subdivision (d) amended to add requirement of filing of proof of service. Subdivision (e) amended to clarify personal representative's duty to furnish explanation of how inventory values were determined. Subdivision (f) added to require personal representative to file inventory of property entering into elective share. Subdivision (g) added to require verification of inventories. Committee notes revised.

2002 Revision: Subdivision (e) amended to conform to section 733.604(3), Florida Statutes. Subdivision (f) amended to establish procedures for interested persons to obtain information about assets and values listed in the inventory of the elective estate. Committee notes revised.

2003 Revision: Committee notes revised.

2010 Revision: Subdivisions (d) and (g) (former (f)) amended to delete the requirement to serve a copy of the inventory on the Department of Revenue. Subdivision (e) amended, and new (f) created, to limit the kind of information available to nonresiduary beneficiaries, and subsequent subdivisions relettered. Editorial changes in (a), (e), and (g). Committee notes revised.

2012 Revision: The last sentence of subdivision (d) is deleted to remove duplicative requirement of filing a proof of service for a document which includes a certificate of service as provided in Fla. R. Gen. Prac. & Jud. Admin. 2.516. If service of the inventory is by service in the manner provided for service of formal notice, then proof of service should be filed as provided in rule 5.040(a)(5). Committee notes revised.

2023 Revision: Subdivision (g) was edited to conform with Fla. Prob. R. 5.400. Committee notes revised.

Constitutional Reference

Art. X, § 4, Fla. Const.

Statutory References

§ 732.401, Fla. Stat. Descent of homestead.

§ 732.4015, Fla. Stat. Devise of homestead.

§ 733.604, Fla. Stat. Inventories and accounting; public records exemptions.

Rule Reference

Fla. Prob. R. 5.041 Service of pleadings and documents.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.060 Request for notices and copies of pleadings.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.330 Execution by personal representative.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.360 Elective share.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.405 Proceedings to determine homestead status of real property.

Fla. R. Gen. Prac. & Jud. Admin. 2.516 Service of pleadings and documents.