Sup. Ct. R. D.C. 301
No compensation shall be awarded for supervision of the ward's person.
With respect to turnover commissions as a result of the fiduciary's death, resignation or incapacity, pursuant to subparagraph (e)(1) of this rule, since ordinary commissions may not exceed five percent (5%) of disbursements and since the ward's funds will be disbursed again, the Court will be cautious and reserve a sufficient percentage commission to compensate fairly the successor fiduciary.
Although the amount of the commission for ordinary services will be considered in determining the appropriateness of compensation for extraordinary services under paragraph (f) of this rule, that amount alone will not be the determining factor.
Conservators and guardians serve as officers of the Court. There can be no assurance in any given case that a fiduciary will receive compensation or commissions which he or she considers adequate.
Payments for attorney's fees under paragraph (g) are independent of the fiduciary's commission for ordinary and extraordinary services and are designed to compensate the attorney for legal services consistent with the value of the services rendered and the ability of the estate to pay. The fact that the fiduciary is an attorney will in no way preclude the fiduciary from petitioning under this rule for payment for legal services to himself or herself.