Conn. Prob. Ct. R. P. 39

As amended through April 25, 2023
Rule 39 - Fiduciary and Attorney's Fees
Section 39.1 Fiduciary and attorney's fees
(a) On motion of a fiduciary, the court may approve:
(1) a proposed fee arrangement for the fiduciary or for the fiduciary's attorney before the fiduciary or attorney has rendered services; or
(2) a proposed fee for services already rendered by the fiduciary or attorney.
(b) On motion ofan attorney who does not represent a fiduciary but whose fees are payable by an estate, the court may approve a proposed fee arrangement before the attorney renders services or a proposed fee for services already rendered.
(c) The court may require the fiduciary to file a financial report or account before approving a proposed fee arrangement or proposed fee pursuant to this section if it determines that additional information about the estate is necessary to evaluate the reasonableness of the proposal.
(d) Fiduciary and attorney's fees not previously approved by the court are subject to review in connection with the financial report or account covering the period in which the fees are paid. The court shall determine whether the fiduciary and attorney's fees are reasonable, whether or not an interested party raises an objection to the fees.

(C.G.S. sections 17b-95(c), 45a-294, 45a-499k and 45a-594.)

Section 39.2 Task statement of fiduciary and attorney
(a) In reviewing a proposed fee for services already rendered, the court may require a fiduciary or attorney to submit a task statement describing the services performed.
(b) A fiduciary's task statement shall address:
(1) size of the estate;
(2) responsibilities involved;
(3) character of the work required;
(4) special problems and difficulties met in doing the work;
(5) results achieved;
(6) knowledge, skill and judgment required;
(7) manner and promptness in which the matter was handled;
(8) time and labor required; and
(9) other relevant and material circumstances.
(c) An attorney's task statement shall include a copy of the attorney's engagement letter and shall address:
(1) time and labor required;
(2) novelty and difficulty of the questions involved;
(3) skill required to perform the legal service properly;
(4) likelihood, if made known to the client, that the acceptance of the particular employment will preclude other employment by the attorney;
(5) fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services;
(6) value of the estate involved, results obtained and time limitations imposed by the client or circumstances;
(7) nature and length of the attorney's professional relationship with the person whose estate is being administered or with the fiduciary;
(8) experience, reputation and ability of the attorney performing the services; and
(9) whether the fee is fixed or contingent.

(C.G.S. sections 17b-95(c) and 45a-594; Hayward v. Plant, 98 Conn. 374, 384, 118 A. 634 (1923); Connecticut Practice Book, Rules of Professional Conduct, rule 1.5.)

HISTORY: Rule 39 adopted effective July 1, 2013. Section 39.2 amended effective July 1, 2022.

Conn. Prob. Ct. R. P. 39

Adopted November 7, 2012, effective 7/1/2013; Section 39.2 amended effective July 1, 2022.