Colo. R. Juv. P. 6.3

As amended through Rule Change 2024(21), effective December 19, 2024
Rule 6.3 - Relinquishment
(1) Every petition in relinquishment shall contain the following:
(a) All information required by Section 19-5-103 , C.R.S.;
(b) A statement as to venue being proper; and
(c) A statement if the relinquishment is part of a designated adoption, with particular details as to the designation and whether any fees or costs are being paid by the prospective adoptive parent(s).
(2) Prior to the hearing on relinquishment, a copy of a report shall be filed with the court by a county department of social services or licensed child placement agency detailing the counseling provided to the petitioner(s).
(3) Any motion for service by publication of an absent parent shall be governed by C.R.C.P. 4(h), and an affidavit must accompany the motion detailing what steps have been taken to determine the whereabouts of the absent parent. A single publication is sufficient.

Colo. R. Juv. P. 6.3

Entire chapter repealed and reenacted June 16, 1988, effective 1/1/1989.