As amended through Rule Change 2024(21), effective December 19, 2024
Rule 1 - Scope, Objectives and Title(a) Scope. The Colorado Rules of Judicial Discipline (the "Rules") apply to all of the responsibilities and proceedings of the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline (the "Commission"), pursuant to Article VI, Section 23(3) of the Colorado Constitution (the "Constitution"), involving the removal, retirement, suspension, censure, reprimand, or other discipline of judges, and disabilities affecting the performance of their judicial duties.(b) Constitutional Mandate. The Constitutional mandate of the Commission is to protect the public from improper conduct of judges; preserve the integrity of the judicial process; maintain public confidence in the judiciary; create a greater awareness of proper judicial behavior on the part of the judiciary and the public; and provide for the fair and expeditious disposition of complaints of judicial misconduct or judicial disabilities.(c) Title. These Rules shall be known and cited as the Colorado Rules of Judicial Discipline or Colo. RJD. Annotation Law reviews. For article, "The New Commission on Judicial Discipline", see 38 Colo. Law. 85 (November 2009).