Colo. R. Civ. P. 242.33

As amended through Rule Change 2024(9), effective May 2, 2024
Rule 242.33 - Overview of Appeals
(a) Appellate Jurisdiction. A party may seek appellate review by the supreme court of any final decision as defined in C.R.C.P. 241.
(b) Governing Provisions. Except as otherwise provided in this part VIII, and to the extent practicable, appeals will be conducted in accordance with the general provisions in C.A.R. 25 (filing and service), 26 (computation and extension of time), 27 (motions), 28 (briefs), 28.1 (briefs in cases involving cross-appeals), 29 (brief of an amicus curiae), 30 (e-filing), 31 (serving and filing briefs), 32 (form of briefs and appellate documents), 34 (oral argument), 36 (entry and service of judgment), 38 (sanctions), 39 (costs), and 42 (voluntary dismissal).
(c) Standard of Review. The supreme court reviews conclusions of law de novo and findings of fact for clear error. The supreme court reviews a sanction to determine whether it bears no relation to the misconduct, is manifestly excessive or insufficient in relation to the needs of the public, or is otherwise unreasonable.
(d) Regulation Counsel. Appeals on behalf of the People of the State of Colorado under this part VIII are prosecuted or defended, as applicable, by the Regulation Counsel.

C.R.C.P. 242.33

Adopted by the Court, En Banc, May 20, 2021, effective 7/1/2021.