C.r.c.p. 207.4

As amended through Rule Change 2024(21), effective December 19, 2024
Rule 207.4 - Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals Committee
(1) Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals (LLP) Committee. The LLP Committee will serve as a permanent committee of the Supreme Court.
(a)Members. The LLP Committee will consist of eleven volunteers appointed by the Supreme Court. For at least the first four years from the date of adoption of this rule, at least six members must be Colorado licensed attorneys and at least two members must be non-attorneys. With the exception of the chair and vice-chair, members will be appointed for an initial term of two, three or four years, and may serve up to two terms. Diversity will be a consideration in making the appointments. The terms of the members of the LLP Committee will be staggered to provide, so far as possible, for the expiration each year of the term of one member. All members, including the chair and vice-chair, serve at the pleasure of and may be dismissed at any time by the Supreme Court. A member of the LLP Committee may resign at any time.
(b)Chair and Vice-Chair. The Supreme Court will designate two members of the LLP Committee to serve as its chair and vice-chair for unspecified terms. The chair will exercise overall supervisory control of the Committee. The chair will also be a member of the Advisory Committee.
(c)Powers and Duties. The LLP Committee will:
(i) Oversee the administration of written examinations concerning substantive and procedural law and ethical responsibilities each year, at such times and places as may be designated by the Supreme Court;
(ii) Make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding passing scores for the written examinations;
(iii) Oversee the process of grading the written examinations to ensure uniformity and quality of grading;
(iv) Oversee other regulatory functions specific to LLP applications and the practice of law by LLPs as provided in the rules within Rule 207.
(v) Periodically report to the Advisory Committee on the operations of the LLP Committee;
(vi) Make recommendations to the Advisory Committee regarding proposed changes or additions to rules that concern the functions of the LLP Committee; and
(vii) Adopt such practices as may from time to time become necessary to govern the internal operation of the LLP Committee.
(2) Character and Fitness Committee. The Character and Fitness Committee established by C.R.C.P. 202.3, which serves as a permanent committee of the Supreme Court with the powers and duties set forth by that rule, will exercise the same powers and perform the same duties relative to the admission of LLPs:
(i) To enforce the character and fitness standards set forth in C.R.C.P. 208 in the review of all LLP applications for admission to the practice of law in Colorado;
(ii) To participate in inquiry panels as set forth in C.R.C.P. 208.4;
(iii) To participate on hearing boards empaneled by the Office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge pursuant to C.R.C.P. 209.2;
(iv) To periodically report to the Advisory Committee on the operations of the Character and Fitness Committee;
(v) To make recommendations to the Advisory Committee regarding proposed changes or additions to rules that concern the functions of the Character and Fitness Committee; and
(vi) To adopt such practices as may from time to time become necessary to govern the internal operations of the Character and Fitness Committee.

C.r.c.p. 207.4

Adopted by the Court, En Banc, March 23, 2023, effective 7/1/2023.