C.r.c.p. 203.3

As amended through Rule Change 2024(12), effective July 28, 2024
Rule 203.3 - Applications for Admission on Motion Based upon UBE Score Transfer
(1) Score Transfer, Generally. An applicant who has taken the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) in a jurisdiction other than Colorado, and who meets the following requirements may, upon motion, be admitted to the practice of law in Colorado based upon UBE score transfer. The applicant under this rule shall:
(a) Have earned a UBE score that is passing, based upon the general standards of performance set by the Supreme Court, in an administration of the UBE taken within the three years immediately preceding the date upon which the motion is filed;
(b) Be otherwise eligible to sit for the UBE in Colorado under C.R.C.P. 203.4;
(c) Establish that the applicant is currently a member in good standing in all jurisdictions where admitted, if any;
(d) Establish that the applicant is not currently subject to attorney discipline or the subject of a pending disciplinary matter in any jurisdiction;
(e) Establish that the applicant possesses the character and fitness required of all applicants for admission to the practice of law in Colorado as set forth in C.R.C.P. 208; and
(f) Pay the required application fee.
(2) Score Transfer, Three to Five Years. If the transferred UBE score was earned more than three years but less than five years before the date upon which the motion was filed, the applicant may qualify for admission under this rule if the applicant also establishes that the applicant has been primarily engaged in the active practice of law, as defined in C.R.C.P. 203.2(2), for at least two years immediately preceding the date of the application in another jurisdiction of the United States wherein the applicant is a member in good standing and authorized to practice law throughout the aforesaid two-year period.
(3) All Colorado UBE score transfer applicants must pass the Multi-State Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE), For applicants licensed in another jurisdiction of the United States and engaged in the active practice of law for 15 or more years at the time of application without any public discipline, a passing score previously accepted by another jurisdiction of the United States will be accepted for admission in Colorado without regard to when that passing score was achieved. For other applicants who are licensed in another jurisdiction of the United States, a passing score will be valid if it was achieved at an examination taken not more than five years before acceptance of the application for admission in Colorado. For applicants who are not licensed in another jurisdiction of the United States, a passing score will be valid if it was achieved at an examination taken not more than two years before acceptance of the application for admission in Colorado. The Supreme Court shall review and determine the passing score for the MPRE for admission in Colorado.
(4)Professionalism Course. All Colorado UBE score transfer applicants must complete the course on professionalism as described in C.R.C.P. 203.1(8), within six months following admission.

C.r.c.p. 203.3

Source: Entire rule added and effective September 1, 2014; amended and adopted January 24, 2019, effective 1/24/2019; amended and adopted April 15, 2021, effective 7/1/2021.