Education Code section 49076 authorizes a school district to permit access to pupil records, including accurate copies, to any judicial officer or probation officer without consent of the pupil's parent or guardian and without a court order for the purposes of:
The judicial officer or probation officer may request pupil records but must certify in writing that the requested information will be used only for purposes of truancy mediation or a truancy petition. A judicial officer or probation officer must complete and file Certified Request for Pupil Records, Truancy (form JV-530) and serve it with Local Educational Agency Response to JV-530 (form JV-531), by first-class mail to the local educational agency.
Form JV-531 must be completed by the local educational agency and returned to the requesting judicial officer or probation officer within 15 calendar days of receipt of the request with copies of any responsive pupil records attached. After receipt the judicial officer or probation officer must file form JV-531 and the attached pupil records in the truancy proceedings.
Cal. R. Ct. 5.652