Cal. R. 2.570
Rules 2.570-2.573 apply to records initially filed under seal pursuant to the False Claims Act, Government Code section 12650 et seq. As to these records, rules 2.550-2.551 on sealed records do not apply.
As used in this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires:
Records of actions filed by a qui tarn plaintiff must initially be filed as confidential and under seal as required by Government Code section 12652(c). Until the seal is lifted, the records in the action must remain under seal, except to the extent otherwise provided in this rule.
As long as the records in a False Claims Act case are under seal, public access to the records in the case is prohibited. The prohibition on public access applies not only to filed documents but also to electronic records that would disclose information about the case, including the identity of any plaintiff or defendant.
As long as the records in a False Claims Act case are under seal, only the information concerning filed records contained on the confidential cover sheet prescribed under rule 2.571(c) may be entered into the register of actions that is accessible to the public.
As long as the records in a False Claims Act case are under seal, the only parties permitted access to the court file are:
As long as records in a False Claims Act case are under seal, no defendant is permitted to have access to the court records or other information concerning the case. Defendants not permitted access include any political subdivision that has been named as a defendant in a False Claims Act action.
The qui tarn plaintiff in a False Claims Act case may have access to all documents filed by the qui tarn plaintiff and to such other documents as the court may order.
Cal. R. Ct. 2.570