Cal. R. 10.810

As amended through September 20, 2024
Rule 10.810 - Court operations
(a) Definition

Except as provided in subdivision (b) and subject to the requirements of subdivisions (c) and (d), "court operations" as defined in Government Code section 77003 includes the following costs:

(1)(judicial salaries and benefits) salaries, benefits, and public agency retirement contributions for superior and municipal court judges and for subordinate judicial officers;
(2)(nonjudicial salaries and benefits) salaries, benefits, and public agency retirement contributions for superior and municipal court staff whether permanent, temporary, full- or part-time, contract or per diem, including but not limited to all municipal court staff positions specifically prescribed by statute and county clerk positions directly supporting the superior courts;
(3) salaries and benefits for those sheriff, marshal, and constable employees as the court deems necessary for court operations in superior and municipal courts and the supervisors of those sheriff, marshal, and constable employees who directly supervise the court security function;
(4) court-appointed counsel in juvenile dependency proceedings, and counsel appointed by the court to represent a minor as specified in Government Code section 77003;
(5)(services and supplies) operating expenses in support of judicial officers and court operations;
(6)(collective bargaining) collective bargaining with respect to court employees; and
(7)(indirect costs) a share of county general services as defined in subdivision (d), Function 11, and used by the superior and municipal courts.
(b) Exclusions

Excluded from the definition of "court operations" are the following:

(1) law library operations conducted by a trust pursuant to statute;
(2) courthouse construction and site acquisition, including space rental (for other than court records storage), alterations/remodeling, or relocating court facilities;
(3) district attorney services;
(4) probation services;
(5) indigent criminal and juvenile delinquency defense;
(6) civil and criminal grand jury expenses and operations (except for selection);
(7) pretrial release services;
(8) equipment and supplies for use by official reporters of the courts to prepare transcripts as specified by statute; and
(9) county costs as provided in subdivision (d) as unallowable.
(c) Budget appropriations

Costs for court operations specified in subdivision (a) shall be appropriated in county budgets for superior and municipal courts, including contract services with county agencies or private providers except for the following:

(1) salaries, benefits, services, and supplies for sheriff, marshal, and constable employees as the court deems necessary for court operations in superior and municipal courts;
(2) salaries, benefits, services, and supplies for county clerk activities directly supporting the superior court; and
(3) costs for court-appointed counsel specified in Government Code section 77003.

Except as provided in this subdivision, costs not appropriated in the budgets of the courts are unallowable.

(d) Functional budget categories

Trial court budgets and financial reports shall identify all allowable court operations in the following eleven (11) functional budget categories. Costs for salary, wages, and benefits of court employees are to be shown in the appropriate functions provided the individual staff member works at least 25 percent time in that function. Individual staff members whose time spent in a function is less than 25 percent are reported in Function 10, All Other Court Operations. The functions and their respective costs are as follows:

Function 1. Judicial Officers

Costs reported in this function are
Salaries and state benefits of
Full- or part-time court commissioners
Full- or part-time court referees
Assigned judges' in-county travel expenses
Costs not reported in this function include
County benefits of judicial officers (Function 10)
Juvenile traffic hearing officers (Function 10)
Mental health hearing officers (Function 10)
Pro tem hearing officers (Function 10)
Commissioner and referee positions specifically excluded by statute from state trial court funding (unallowable)
Related data processing (Function 9)
Any other related services, supplies, and equipment (Function 10)

Function 2. Jury Services

Costs reported in this function are
Juror expenses of per diem fees and mileage
Meals and lodging for sequestered jurors
Salaries, wages, and benefits of jury commissioner and jury services staff (including selection of grand jury)
Contractual jury services
Jury-related office expenses (other than information technology)
Jury-related communications, including "on call" services
Costs not reported in this function include
Juror parking (unallowable)
Civil and criminal grand jury costs (unallowable)
Jury-related information systems (Function 9)

Function 3. Verbatim Reporting

Costs reported in this function are
Salaries, wages, and benefits of court reporters who are court employees
Salaries, wages, and benefits of electronic monitors and support staff
Salaries, wages, and benefits of verbatim reporting coordinators and clerical support staff
Contractual court reporters and monitors
Transcripts for use by appellate or trial courts, or as otherwise required by law
Related office expenses and equipment (purchased, leased, or rented) used to record court proceedings, except as specified in Government Code Section 68073, e.g.,notepaper, pens, and pencils ER equipment and supplies
Costs not reported in this function include
Office expenses and equipment for use by reporters to prepare transcripts (unallowable)
Expenses specified in Government Code Section 69073 (unallowable)
Space use charges for court reporters (unallowable)

Function 4. Court Interpreters

Costs reported in this function are
Salaries, wages, and benefits of courtroom interpreters and interpreter coordinators
Per diem and contractual courtroom interpreters, including contractual transportation and travel allowances
Costs not reported in this function include
Related data processing (Function 9)
Any other related services, supplies, and equipment (Function 10)

Function 5. Collections Enhancement

Collections performed in the enforcement of court orders for fees, fines, forfeitures, restitutions, penalties, and assessments (beginning with the establishment of the accounts receivable record)
Costs reported in this function are

Salaries, wages, and benefits of collection employees of the court, e.g.,

financial hearing officers

evaluation officers

collection staff

Contract collections costs
County charges for collection services provided to the court by county agencies
Related services, supplies, and equipment (except data processing, Function 9)
Costs not reported in this function include

Staff whose principal involvement is in collecting "forthwith' payments, e.g.,

counter clerks (Function 10)

cashiers (Function 10)

Function 6. Dispute Resolution Programs

Costs reported in this function are

Arbitrators' fees in mandatory judicial arbitration programs

Salaries, wages, and benefits of court staff providing child custody and visitation mediation and related investigation services, e.g.,

Director of Family Court Services




clerical support staff

Contract mediators providing child custody and visitation mediation services

Salaries, wages, benefits, fees, and contract costs for other arbitration and mediation programs (programs not mandated by statute), e.g.,

arbitration administrators

clerical support staff

arbitrators' fees and expenses

Costs not reported in this function include

Related data processing (Function 9)

Any other related services, supplies, and equipment (Function 10)

Function 7. Court-Appointed Counsel (Noncriminal)

Costs reported in this function are

Expenses for court-appointed counsel as specified in Government Code Section 77003

Function 8. Court Security

Court security services as deemed necessary by the court. Includes only the duties of

(a) courtroom bailiff,

(b) perimeter security (i.e., outside the courtroom but inside the court facility), and

(c) at least.25 FTE dedicated supervisors of these activities.

Costs reported in this function are

Salary, wages, and benefits (including overtime) of sheriff, marshal, and constable employees who perform the court's security, i.e.,


weapons-screening personnel

Salary, wages, and benefits (including overtime) of court staff performing court security, e.g.,

court attendants

Contractual security services

Salary, wages, and benefits of supervisors of sheriff, marshal, and constable employees whose duties are greater than.25 FTE dedicated to this function

Sheriff, marshal, and constable employee training

Purchase of security equipment

Maintenance of security equipment

Costs not reported in this function include

Other sheriff, marshal, or constable employees (unallowable)

Court attendant training (Function 10)

Overhead costs attributable to the operation of the sheriff and marshal offices (unallowable)

Costs associated with the transportation and housing of detainees from the jail to the courthouse (unallowable)

Service of process in civil cases (unallowable)

Services and supplies, including data processing, not specified above as allowable

Supervisors of bailiffs and perimeter security personnel of the sheriff, marshal, or constable office who supervise these duties less than.25 FTE time (unallowable)

Function 9. Information Technology

Costs reported in this function are

Salaries, wages, and benefits of court employees who plan, implement, and maintain court data processing and information technologies, e.g.,



Contract and consulting services associated with court information/data processing needs and systems

County Information Systems/Data Processing Department charges made to court for court systems, e.g.,

jury-related systems

court and case management, including courts' share of a criminal justice information system

accounts receivable/collections systems

Related services, supplies, and equipment, e.g.,

software purchases and leases

maintenance of automation equipment

training associated with data processing systems' development

Costs not reported in this function include

Information technology services not provided directly to the courts (i.e., services used by other budget units)

Data processing for county general services, e.g., payroll, accounts payable (Function 11)

Function 10. All Other Court Operations

Costs reported in this function are

Salaries, wages, and benefits (including any pay differentials and overtime) of court staff

(a) not reported in Functions 2-9, or

(b) whose time cannot be allocated to Functions 2-9 in increments of at least 25 percent time (.25 FTE) ;

Judicial benefits, county-paid

Allowable costs not reported in Functions 2-9.

(Nonjudicial staff) Cost items may include, for example,

juvenile traffic hearing officer

mental health hearing officer

court-appointed hearing officer (pro tem)

executive officer

court administrator

clerk of the court

administrative assistant

personnel staff

legal research personnel; staff attorney; planning and research staff


courtroom clerk

clerical support staff

calendar clerk

deputy clerk



counter clerk

microfilming staff

management analyst

probate conservatorship and guardianship investigators

probate examiner

training staff employed by the court

Personnel costs not reported in this function:

Any of the above not employed by the court

(Services and supplies) Cost items may include, for example,

office supplies




publications and legal notices, by the court

miscellaneous departmental expenses

books, publications, training fees, and materials for court personnel (judicial and nonjudicial)

travel and transportation (judicial and nonjudicial)

professional dues

memberships and subscriptions

statutory multidistrict judges' association expenses

research, planning, and program coordination expenses

small claims advisor program costs

court-appointed expert witness fees (for the court's needs)

court-ordered forensic evaluations and other professional services (for the court's own use)

pro tem judges' expenses

micrographics expenses

public information services

vehicle use, including automobile insurance

equipment (leased, rented, or purchased) and furnishings, including interior painting, replacement/maintenance of flooring, and furniture repair

maintenance of office equipment

janitorial services

legal services for allowable court operations (County Counsel and contractual)

fidelity and faithful performance insurance (bonding and personal liability insurance on judges and court employees)

insurance on cash money and securities (hold-up and burglary)

general liability/comprehensive insurance for other than faulty maintenance or design of facility (e.g., "slip and fall," other injury, theft and damage of court equipment, slander, discrimination)

risk management services related to allowable insurance

space rental for court records

county records retention/destruction services

county messenger/mail service

court audits mandated under Government Code Section 71383

Service and supply costs not reported in this function include Civic association dues (unallowable) Facility damages insurance (unallowable)

County central service department charges not appropriated in the court budget (unallowable)

Function 11. County General Services ("Indirect Costs")

General county services are defined as all eligible accounting, payroll, budgeting, personnel, purchasing, and county administrator costs rendered in support of court operations. Costs for included services are allowable to the extent the service is provided to the court. The following costs, regardless of how characterized by the county or by which county department they are performed, are reported in this function only and are subject to the statutory maximum for indirect costs as specified in Government Code Section 77003. To the extent costs are allowable under this rule, a county's approved Cost Plan may be used to determine the specific cost although the cost categories, or functions, may differ.

Cost items within the meaning of rule 10.810(a)(7) and the county departments often performing the service may include, for example,

County Administrator

- budget development and administration

- interdepartmental budget unit administration and operations

- personnel (labor) relations and administration


- payroll

- financial audits

- warrant processing

- fixed asset accounting

- departmental accounting for courts, e.g., fines, fees, forfeitures, restitutions, penalties, and assessments; accounting for the Trial Court Special Revenue Fund

- accounts payable

- grant accounting

- management reporting

- banking


- recruitment and examination of applicants

- maintenance and certification of eligible lists

- position classification

- salary surveys

- leave accounting

- employment physicals

- handling of appeals

Treasurer/Tax Collector

- warrant processing

- bank reconciliation

- retirement system administration

- receiving, safeguarding, investing, and disbursing court funds

Purchasing Agent

- process departmental requisitions

- issue and analyze bids

- make contracts and agreements for the purchase or rental of personal property

- store surplus property and facilitate public auctions

Unallowable costs

- Unallowable court-related costs are those

(a) in support of county operations,

(b) expressly prohibited by statute,

(c) facility-related, or

(d) exceptions of the nature referenced in Functions 1-11.

Unallowable cost items, including any related data processing costs, are not reported in Functions 1-11 and may include, for example,


- central communication control and maintenance for county emergency and general government radio equipment

Central Collections

- processing accounts receivable for county departments (not courts)

County Administrator

- legislative analysis and activities

- preparation and operation of general directives and operating procedures

- responses to questions from the Board, outside agencies, and the public executive functions: Board of Supervisors

- county advisory councils

Treasurer/Tax Collector

- property tax determination, collection, etc.

General Services

- rental and utilities support

- coordinate county's emergency services

Property Management

- negotiations for the acquisition, sale, or lease of property, except for space rented for storage of court records

- making appraisals

- negotiating utility relocations

- assisting County Counsel in condemnation actions

- preparing deeds, leases, licenses, easements

- collecting rents

- building lease management services (except for storage of court records)


- construction services

- right-of-way and easement services

- purchase of land and buildings

- construction

- depreciation of buildings/use allowance

- space rental/building rent (except for storage of court records)

- building maintenance and repairs (except interior painting and to replace/repair flooring)

- purchase, installation, and maintenance of H/V/A/C equipment

- maintenance and repair of utilities

- utility use charges (e.g., heat, light, water)

- elevator purchase and maintenance

- alterations/remodeling

- landscaping and grounds maintenance services

- exterior lighting and security

- insurance on building damages (e.g., fire, earthquake, flood, boiler and machinery)

- grounds' liability insurance

- parking lot or facility maintenance

- juror parking

Cal. R. Ct. 10.810

Chapter 9 renumbered effective 1/1/2008; adopted as Chapter 3 effective 7/1/1998; previously renumbered as Chapter 8 effective 1/1/2007.
Rule 10.810 amended and renumbered effective1/1/2007; adopted as rule 810 effective 7/1/1988; previously amended effective 7/1/1989, 7/1/1990,7/1/1991, and 7/1/1995.

Advisory Committee Comment

Rule 10.810 is identical to former rule 810, except for the rule number. All references in statutes or rules to rule 810 apply to this rule.