Cal. R. 10.32

As amended through September 20, 2024
Rule 10.32 - Nominations and appointments to advisory committees
(a) Nomination procedures

The Executive and Planning Committee assists the Chief Justice in selecting advisory committee members by submitting a list of nominees for each position. Unless otherwise specified in the rule applicable to a particular advisory committee, the nomination procedures are as follows:

(1) The Executive and Planning Committee must publicize vacancies and solicit nominations. If any group is designated to submit nominations for a position, the Executive and Planning Committee will request that the group submit at least three nominations for each advisory committee vacancy.
(2) The Executive and Planning Committee must submit at least three nominees for each advisory committee vacancy to the Chief Justice. The nominees should represent diverse backgrounds and experiences as well as geographic locations throughout California.
(b) Court executive or administrator members

A court executive or administrator member may be a county clerk, a court administrator, or an executive officer if the member also serves as the clerk of the court.

(c) Judicial administrator member

A judicial administrator member may be any person experienced in court administration and is not required to be currently employed by a court.

(d) Judicial officer

A judicial officer member may be a judge of the superior court or a court commissioner or referee.

(e) Appointing order

The Chief Justice appoints advisory committee members by order.

Cal. R. Ct. 10.32

Rule 10.32 amended and renumbered effective 1/1/2007; adopted as rule 6.32 effective 1/1/1999; previously amended effective 9/1/2003.