Ark. Dist. Ct. R. 4

As amended through November 13, 2023
Rule 4 - Complaint

A complaint shall be in writing and signed by the plaintiff or his or her attorney, if any. It shall also:

(a) state the names of the parties, the nature and basis of the claim, and the nature and amount of the relief sought;
(b) warn the defendant to file a written answer with the clerk of the court, and to serve a copy to the plaintiff or his or her attorney, within 30 days after service of the complaint upon him;
(c) warn the defendant that failure to file an answer may result in a default judgment being entered against him;
(d) recite the address of the plaintiff or his or her attorney, if any; and
(e) contain a proof of service form which shall be completed by the person serving the defendant. No separate summons is required.

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You are hereby warned to file a written answer with the clerk of the court within 30 days after the date that you receive this complaint and to send a copy to the plaintiff or to his or her attorney. If you do not file an answer within 30 days, or if you fail to file an answer, a default judgment may be entered against you.

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Ark. Dist. Ct. R. 4

Amended November 18, 1996, effective 3/1/1997; revised12/9/2004, effective 1/1/2005; amended June 2, 2011, effective 7/1/2011.