As amended through December 3, 2024
Rule 1.2 - Divisions of Court and Assignment of Casesa. Divisions--General Assignments: The court shall be divided into as many judicial divisions as there are judicial officers. Each division shall bear an official numerical designation. All cases and matters filed with the clerk, unless otherwise specifically assigned, shall be assigned to each division on an alternating basis by such plan as ordered by the Presiding Judge.b. Registrars: Each judge of the several divisions and the clerk are appointed Registrars within the provisions of Title 14, Arizona Revised Statutes.c. Specific/Specialized Assignments: Specific and specialized assignments to the judges of the respective divisions, except as otherwise provided by law, will be as ordered by the Presiding Judge.d. Presiding Judge: The Presiding Judge shall be responsible for the day-to-day administrative operation of the court as provided by law and these rules. The Presiding Judge shall organize the administrative structure of the court, including the adult and juvenile probation departments, in consultation with the Court Administrator. The Presiding Judge may appoint an executive committee of judges to assist in the administrative operation of the court.e. Presiding Civil Judge--Duties: The Presiding Judge may appoint one judge as the Presiding Civil Judge who in consultation with the Presiding Judge, shall exercise general administrative supervision of the civil calendar, including the assignment and reassignment of cases; and the coordination of work and caseloads.f. Presiding Criminal Judge--Duties: The Presiding Judge may appoint one judge as the Presiding Criminal Judge who in consultation with the Presiding Judge, shall exercise general administrative supervision of the criminal calendar, including the scheduling of arraignments/initial appearances; the assignment and reassignment of cases; and the coordination of work and caseloads. The Presiding Criminal Judge may also create specialty courts to conduct non-trial calendars.g. Presiding Family Law Judge--Duties: The Presiding Judge may appoint one judge as the Presiding Family Law Judge who in consultation with the Presiding Judge, shall exercise general administrative supervision of the family law calendar, including the assignment and reassignment of cases; and the coordination of work and caseloads. Unless otherwise ordered by the Presiding Judge, the Presiding Family Law Judge shall be designated as the Judge of the Court of Conciliation, who shall direct and perform the functions of the conciliation court.h. Presiding Juvenile Judge--Duties: Pursuant to Title 8, A.R.S. § 8-202, one judge shall be designated as the Presiding Juvenile Judge. The Presiding Juvenile Judge shall direct the juvenile court and shall exercise general administrative supervision of the delinquency and dependency calendars, and any other juvenile proceedings brought pursuant to Title 8, and may assign any of said matters to the other divisions, as required.Adopted Aug. 30, 2017, effective 1/2/2018.