Rule 43 - Bail Forfeiture Schedules(a)Procedure for Adopting Bail Forfeiture Schedule. The supreme court will consider adopting a bail forfeiture schedule only when so authorized by statute. The agency charged with enforcement under a statute for which a bail forfeiture schedule has been authorized shall forward to the administrative director its recommendations for a proposed schedule, listing offenses by number, describing the offenses, and proposing a bail forfeiture amount. The proposed schedule shall be accompanied by commentary explaining the basis for the agency's recommendation, and by a copy of the proposed citation form. The supreme court shall consider the recommendation, and shall determine whether to adopt a bail forfeiture schedule, and if so, shall determine which offenses are amenable to disposition by bail forfeiture and whether the bail forfeiture amounts are appropriate. The administrative director shall notify the agency when an order adopting the schedule is issued.(b)Procedures for Amending Bail Forfeiture Schedules.(1) By July 1 of each year, each agency charged with enforcement under a statute for which a bail forfeiture schedule has been authorized shall forward to the administrative director of the Alaska Court System its written recommendation concerning whether the schedule must be amended to reflect any legislative and regulatory changes, or whether policy considerations warrant revisions. Any proposed amendments shall be accompanied by commentary. The supreme court shall consider the agency's recommendations and determine by October 1 whether to adopt them. If it will be impractical for the court to respond by that date, the administrative director will inform the agency of the date by which the response can be expected. The administrative director shall notify the agency when an order amending the schedule is issued.(2) In addition to the provisions of paragraph (b)(1), an agency may request a bail forfeiture schedule amendment whenever the need arises.(3) Any person or agency may request a bail forfeiture schedule amendment at any time by proposing an amendment in writing to the chief justice or to the administrative director.Adopted by SCO 651 effective 7/1/1985; amended by SCO 1180 effective 7/15/1995