Ala. Bar R. Special. 7

As amended through December 23, 2024
Rule 7 - Privilege Conferred and Limitations Imposed
7.01. A lawyer certified as a specialist under these rules may communicate the fact that he or she is certified as a specialist in a particular field of law and the name of the particular certifying agency by which the lawyer is certified. A lawyer shall not represent, either expressly or impliedly, that he or she has specialty status recognized by any entity other than the certifying agency.
7.02. Nothing in these rules shall in any way limit the right of a certified specialist to practice in all fields of law. Any lawyer shall have the right to practice in all fields of law, even though certified as a specialist in a particular field of law.
7.03. No lawyer shall be required to be certified as a specialist in a particular field of law in order to practice in that field of law. A lawyer shall have the right to practice in any field of law, even though not certified as a specialist in that field. Participation in a specialty recognition program under these rules shall be voluntary.
7.04. A lawyer may be certified as a specialist in more than one field of law. The maximum number of fields in which a lawyer may be certified as a specialist shall be determined only by the practical limits imposed by the requirement of substantial involvement and such other standards as may be established by the board pursuant to Rule 6.

Ala. Bar R. Special. 7