251-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 8-4 - License and Registration of Veterinarians

(a) Applicants for license to practice veterinary medicine shall:

  • (i) Graduate from a school of veterinary medicine approved by the Board. If the applicant has not graduated at the time the application is filed, the applicant shall submit a letter of expected graduation signed by the President or Dean of the applicant's accredited school of veterinary medicine.
  • (ii) Pass a national examination approved by the Board with a score of at least seventy-five (75%) percent within the last three years or has for the last five (5) years been a practicing veterinarian licensed in a state, territory, or district of the United States having license requirements at the time of application in that jurisdiction that were substantially equivalent to the requirements of the Act and these rules.
  • (iii) Submit a completed application for license on forms provided by the Board accompanied by the required application fee.
  • (iv) Request an official transcript be sent directly from the registrar of the school of veterinary medicine to the Board.
  • (v) Request verification from all jurisdictions in which the applicant has held or currently holds a license or permit and the status of that license or permit.
  • (vi) Provide an affidavit that no complaint has been filed or is pending, no investigation is pending and no disciplinary action has been taken or is pending against the applicant in any jurisdiction.
  • (vii) Successfully complete a state examination with a passing score of at least seventy-five (75) percent.

(b) Temporary permits.

  • (i) The Board may issue a temporary permit to a qualified graduate waiting to take the national examination upon completion of the requirements in subsection (a) above as applicable.
  • (ii) Temporary permits shall be valid for thirty (30) days after the close of the testing window, or until official examination scores are received by the board from the examination provider.
  • (iii) If the applicant does not successfully pass the national examination, the temporary permit shall expire and the applicant shall not practice veterinary medicine in the state.
  • (iv) Every applicant issued a temporary permit shall practice veterinary medicine only under the supervision of a licensee who is actively engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine.
  • (v) Supervision requires the supervising licensee to exercise professional judgment in determining the degree of direction needed for each individual temporary permit holder. In determining the supervision necessary, the supervising licensee shall consider:
    • (A) The degree of professional expertise demonstrated by the temporary permit holder;
    • (B) The length of time the temporary permit holder has already been under supervision;
    • (C) The temporary permit holder's ability to communicate; and
    • (D) Any other factors that the supervising licensee deems appropriate.
  • (vi) The supervising licensee shall not:
    • (A) Be absent from the veterinary clinic for more than fourteen (14) consecutive days or more than twenty-one (21) total days, in a six (6) month period;
    • (B) Conduct the supervision from a separate location.

251-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-4

Adopted, Eff. 11/14/2016.