(a) Upon receipt of state vocational grant proposals each spring, the WDE Career Technical and Distance Education Unit will review each RFP for grant compliance;
(b) A review team of three (3) consisting of partners from outside the WDE will convene to evaluate each grant proposal. Grant awards are limited by available funding;
(c) Proposals that meet the conditions of the RFP and are recommended for funding will be forwarded for approval to the Director of Career Technical and Distance Education Unit;
(d) Proposals that require modification will receive a conditional letter requesting specific adjustments prior to award;
(e) RFPs that are denied will receive official notification no later than August 15th of each year;
(f) Each funded grant will be monitored during the year of the award. The grant award process will evaluate expenditure of prior funds and/or program elimination within the program area being considered for a grant award;
(g) An applicant whose application is recommended for disapproval may request a hearing before the State Superintendent of Public Instruction or his/her designee. Formal written notification requesting such a hearing must be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of notice that the application is recommended for disapproval. Hearings will be held in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, W.S. § 16-3-101 through W.S. § 16-3-115, and Section 425 of the General Education Provision Act.
206-36 Wyo. Code R. § 36-5