206-34 Wyo. Code R. § 34-5

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 34-5 - Programmatic Requirements

(a) Schools applying to participate in the program described herein must assure the Department they will adhere to the following requirements:

  • (i) At a minimum, commit 80 minutes per week of foreign language instruction for each student in grades kindergarten through second;
  • (ii) At a minimum, commit 100 minutes per week of foreign language instruction for each student in grades third through sixth;
  • (iii) Assure the participation of classroom teachers, certified foreign language teachers, administrators, and foreign language paraprofessionals in initial pilot program training and ongoing professional development provided by the Department;
  • (iv) Participate in gathering data and assessing student learning in the foreign language taught, adhere to deadlines, and provide information to the Department in the manner prescribed in guidelines;
  • (v) Support and fully participate in the pilot program through school year 2009-2010, or until terminated by the Department.

(b) The Department will support participating schools with the following resources:

  • (i) Technology-supported instructional materials for grades kinder-garten through sixth provided for at least one new grade level each year begin-ning in school year 2004-05;
  • (ii) Initial and ongoing training and professional development for teachers, administrators, and paraprofessionals;
  • (iii) Assessment instruments measuring the foreign language skills of participating students, as well as support in identifying growth which may occur in math, language arts, and science through reinforcement provided through the foreign language curriculum;
  • (iv) A distance-learning program delivered through the Wyoming Education Network (WEN) for schools unable to acquire certified personnel to deliver foreign language instruction;
  • (v) A mentor for foreign language paraprofessionals and classroom teachers;
  • (vi) Funding equivalent to usual and customary wages (including salary and benefits) of a foreign language paraprofessional, as determined an-nually by the Department and published in guidelines. The exact amount of reimbursement will be dependent upon enrollment of the participating school.

206-34 Wyo. Code R. § 34-5