206-31 Wyo. Code R. § 31-3

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 31-3 - Definitions

As used in this chapter:

(a) "Alignment" means evidence that a district assessment system is aligned to the state standards, both in terms of content and cognitive complexity.

(b) "Assessment" means an ongoing process that includes collecting, synthesizing, and interpreting information about what students know (knowledge) and are able to do (skills).

(c) "Cognitive Complexity" means the type and level of thinking required to successfully achieve the standard.

(d) "Coursework" means a progression of courses aligned to the state standards that provides students with a quality education as described under W.S. 21-2-304(a)(ii).

(e) "Department" means Wyoming Department of Education.

(f) "District Assessment System" means a system that measures various levels of student performance on content-specific learning goals that are aligned to the state standards.

(g) "Functional Equivalent" means a course that is aligned to the state standards and is as rigorous as or more rigorous than a college- or career-preparatory course taken in high school.

(h) "Graduation Requirements," or high school diploma requirements, means successful completion of courses required by this chapter, as evidenced by each district's assessment system, which is aligned to the state standards, and prescribed by the State Board of Education under W.S. 21-2-304(a)(iii).

(i) "Performance Level Descriptor" means a statement set by the State Board of Education in Chapter 10 Education Rules that describes how well a student must perform at an identified level for every course the student takes and completes. The following are the three options for performance level descriptors:

  • (i) Basic. A limited display of knowledge and skills that shows student is not approaching or approaching, but not yet meeting the standard.
  • (ii) Proficient. A satisfactory display of knowledge and skills that shows student is meeting the standard.
  • (iii) Advanced. A superior display of knowledge and skills that shows student is exceeding the standard.

(j) "State Standards" means the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards, also known as the Uniform Student Content and Performance Standards, that define what students should be provided the opportunity to learn in the ten (10) content areas as described in W.S. W.S. 21-9-101(b) and set by the State Board of Education in Chapter 10 Education Rules.

206-31 Wyo. Code R. § 31-3

Amended, Eff. 8/15/2018.