(a) Category A Activities include: - (i) Registered attendance at courses or conferences offered live in real time by approved providers. Approved providers include:
- (A) The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), including any sections, credentialed residencies and fellowships and its accrediting subsidiary;
- (B) State Chapters of the APTA;
- (C) Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy and any accrediting subsidiary;
- (D) The International Association for Continuing Education Training;
- (E) Any providers approved or accredited by the agencies or organizations listed in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of this paragraph;
- (ii) The Wyoming Department of Health and the Wyoming Department of Education activities directly related to physical therapy.
(b) Category B Activities include: - (i) Self-study, which may be directed by a correspondence course, video, internet, or satellite program;
- (ii) Attendance at in-service education programs pertaining to safety or governmental regulation;
- (iii) Teaching or lecturing principally for health care professionals;
- (iv) Author or reviewer of a peer-reviewed publication;
- (v) Clinical instruction;
- (vi) Physical therapy association or licensing Board and committee work;
- (vii) Structured interactive study (group study);
(c) Activities excluded from Continuing Competence Credit: - (i) Staff meetings, presentations, or publications directed at lay groups;
- (ii) Routine teaching as part of a job requirement;
- (iii) Regularly scheduled institutional activities such as rounds;
- (iv) Breaks in instruction time; and
- (v) Credit for repetitions of the same activity.