061-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-1

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 8-1 - Non-contested Proceedings

Except as otherwise directed by the Board, the provisions of the Rules contained in this Chapter shall govern all non-contested proceedings and rule-making hearings where requested pursuant to W.S. 16-3-103 through W.S. W.S. W.S. 16-3-106.

(a) Any party may petition the Board to promulgate, amend, or repeal any rule or rules.

  • (i) Except as otherwise provided by the Board, the filing of a petition under this section shall not stay the effectiveness of any rule or rules.
  • (ii) After filing of the petition, the Board or presiding officer may hold a pre-hearing conference to review the petition and its persuasiveness.
  • (iii) As soon as practicable, the Board shall deny the petition in writing (stating its reasons for the denial) or initiate rule-making procedures.
  • (iv) Before the adoption, issuance, amendment, or repeal of any rule, or the commencement of any hearing on such proposed rule-making, the Board shall cause notice to be given in accordance with the provisions of W.S. W.S. W.S. 16-3-103.

(b) Opportunity for oral hearing regarding substantive rule changes shall be granted by the Board if requested by twenty-five (25) or more persons, by a governmental subdivision, or by any association having not less than twenty-five (25) members.

  • (i) Requests for hearing shall be submitted before the end of the public comment period set forth in the published notice of intent.
  • (ii) The Board shall provide public notice setting forth the time, place, and manner in which persons may present their views.
  • (iii) The hearing shall be recorded verbatim by a court reporter or by any other appropriate means determined by the Board or the officer presiding at the hearing.
  • (iv) The public comment period shall close upon the completion of the hearing.

(b) Except as otherwise determined by the Board, the provisions of W.S. W.S. W.S. 16-3-107, relating to the conduct of hearings for contested cases, do not apply to hearings held under this Chapter.

061-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-1