059-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-13

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 6-13 - Requirement of Prescription for Schedule II Substances

(a) A pharmacist may dispense a controlled substance listed in Schedule II, only pursuant to a written or electronic prescription signed by the practitioner, except as provided in this section.

(b) A practitioner may administer or directly dispense a controlled substance listed in Schedule II without a prescription if it is dispensed in the course of his professional practice.

(c) In the case of an emergency situation, as defined in this section, a pharmacist may directly dispense a controlled substance listed in Schedule II upon receiving verbal authorization of a practitioner, provided that:

  • (i) The quantity prescribed and dispensed shall be limited to the amount necessary to treat the patient during the emergency period (dispensing beyond the emergency period must be pursuant to a written or electronic prescription signed by the practitioner);
  • (ii) The emergency verbal prescription shall be immediately reduced to writing by the pharmacist and shall contain all information required in this chapter except for the signature of the practitioner;
  • (iii) If the practitioner is not known to the pharmacist, the pharmacist shall make a reasonable effort to determine that the verbal authorization came from a registered practitioner; and
  • (iv) Within seven (7) calendar days after authorizing an emergency verbal prescription, the practitioner shall cause a written prescription for the emergency quantity prescribed to be delivered to the dispensing pharmacist. In addition to conforming to the requirements of this chapter, the prescription shall have written on its face "Authorization for Emergency Dispensing" and the date of the verbal order. The written prescription may be delivered to the pharmacist in person or by mail. If delivered by mail, it must be postmarked within the seven (7) day period. Upon receipt, the dispensing pharmacist shall attach this prescription to the verbal emergency prescription which had earlier been reduced to writing. The pharmacist shall notify the DEA if the practitioner fails to deliver a written prescription

(d) A prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance shall be valid up to six (6) months from the date issued by the practitioner.

(e) A pharmacist shall cancel all written Schedule II controlled substance prescriptions when dispensed by dating and signing the face of the paper prescription. All electronic Schedule II controlled substance prescriptions shall be cancelled once dispensed.

(f) Information that can be changed on a Schedule II prescription shall meet the following requirements:

  • (i) After consultation/approval of the prescribing practitioner, the pharmacist is permitted to change the following:
    • (A) Drug strength;
    • (B) Drug quantity;
    • (C) Directions for use; or
    • (D) Dosage form.
  • (ii) The pharmacist is permitted to add or change the patient's address with proper verification without consulting the practitioner.
  • (iii) The practitioner's DEA registration number may be added to a prescription drug order after consulting the practitioner or verifying the number from another reliable source.
  • (iv) Required information may appear on the front or back of the paper prescription drug order. Computer generated modifications to the prescription drug order are allowed.
  • (v) Any change made by the pharmacist shall be documented and shall include the date, name of person consulted, and initials of the pharmacist.
  • (vi) A pharmacist shall not change the patient's name, controlled substance prescribed (except for generic substitution permitted by state law), date issued, or the prescriber's signature.

(g) For the purposes of authorizing a verbal prescription of a controlled substance listed in Schedule II, the term "emergency situation" means those situations in which the prescribing practitioner determines:

  • (i) That immediate administration of the controlled substance is necessary, for proper treatment of the intended ultimate user;
  • (ii) No appropriate alternative treatment is available, including administration of a drug which is not a controlled substance; and
  • (iii) It is not reasonably possible for the prescribing practitioner to provide a written or electronic prescription to be presented to the person dispensing the substance prior to dispensing.

(h) A Schedule II controlled substance prescription may be faxed if it meets the criteria as specified in this chapter and Wyoming Pharmacy Act, Chapter 2, General Practice of Pharmacy Regulations.

059-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-13

Amended, Eff. 5/16/2017.

Amended, Eff. 12/11/2018.