The PIC or his/her designee shall document on at least a quarterly basis an inspection of all drug storage areas in the institutional facility. Records of such inspections shall be dated, signed, and maintained so as to be readily retrievable at the institutional pharmacy for at least two (2) years. These inspections must ascertain that:
(a) Test reagents, germicides, and disinfectants are stored separately from medications;
(b) External medications are stored separately from internal medications;
(c) Drugs are stored at the proper temperature;
(d) There are no outdated or deteriorated drugs;
(e) All drugs are properly labeled;
(f) Emergency drug carts (crash carts) are adequate and in proper supply;
(g) Medication storage areas are locked when not in use, and only authorized individuals have access to these areas;
(h) Distribution and administration of controlled substances are properly and adequately documented;
(i) Telephone numbers of the regional poison control center and other emergency assistance organizations are posted;
(j) Metric-apothecaries' weight and measure conversion tables and charts are available; and
(k) Adequate pharmaceutical references are available at these areas.
059-12 Wyo. Code R. § 12-20