055-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-16

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 3-16 - Temporarily Abandoned or Shut-In Wells (Forms 2 and 4)

(a) A well may be maintained as temporarily abandoned or shut-in provided any change in the status of the well is reported to the Supervisor on Form 4 and every month subsequent to the reported change, the well is listed on Form 2.

(b) A well may not be maintained as temporarily abandoned or shut-in for more than twenty-four (24) consecutive months from the date the well was first reported as temporarily abandoned or shut-in on Form 4 unless the Operator of the well applies for and receives approval for an extension from the Supervisor. The Supervisor may prescribe forms or other information to be submitted with the extension request. Extensions may be granted for periods up to two (2) years.

(c) Prior to approving a request for extension, the Supervisor may, upon a finding of good cause, require mechanical integrity testing in accordance with provisions of Chapter 4, Section 5(d) of these rules, or other surveillance method approved by the Supervisor, be performed on a temporarily abandoned or shut-in well. A temporarily abandoned or shut-in well which successfully passes a mechanical integrity or surveillance test shall not be required to undergo another test for five (5) years unless the Supervisor finds upon good cause that circumstances have substantially changed to alter the condition of the well.

(d) The Supervisor may require any well which has been temporarily abandoned or shut-in for more than twenty-four (24) consecutive months or any temporarily abandoned or shut-in well which has not been mechanically integrity tested within the preceding five (5) year period to undergo a mechanical integrity or other surveillance test prior to change in operator. Mechanical integrity testing must be performed in a manner consistent with Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program pressure testing rules in Chapter 4.

(e) The manner in which the well is to be maintained must be reported to and approved by the Supervisor on Form 4. Bonding requirements, as provided in Sections 4, 5, and 6 of this chapter will be kept in force until such time as the well is permanently abandoned.

(f) The Commission may, in its sole discretion, approve the Supervisor's use of conservation funds collected in accordance with Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 30-5-116(b), to plug wells and seismic holes and reclaim the surrounding area affected by them if the Commission is unable to enforce its Rules and Regulations and laws, up to and including legal action when appropriate, requiring the Owner, Operator, geophysical/seismic company, client company, or hole plugger to plug and reclaim and if there exists neither a plugging bond nor other security adequate to properly plug and abandon and rehabilitate the surface. The Supervisor shall establish and maintain a well plugging schedule which prioritizes wells for plugging through an assessment of the well's potential to adversely impact public health, public safety, surface or ground waters, surface use or other mineral resources.

055-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-16

Amended, Eff. 6/3/2015.

Amended, Eff. 1/19/2016.

Amended, Eff. 4/1/2016.