053-7 Wyo. Code R. § 7-2
(a) On wells where flow is reasonably expected, there shall be a lubricator which will allow removal of the wireline tools without turning the well loose to the atmosphere, or some other means of controlling the well pressure shall be used without requiring removal of the tools.
(b) A visual examination and pressure test of all wireline pressure control equipment used on wells where flow is reasonably expected shall be made at intervals not exceeding six (6) months. The pressure test, using a non-flammable liquid, shall be made to one and a half (1-1/2) times the rated working pressure. Test records shall be maintained at the equipment's working office; location of such records shall be known at the work site.
(c) The pressure test shall include:
- (i) Primary holding period (at pressure) of three (3) minutes or more.
- (ii) Reduction to atmospheric pressure.
- (iii) A second holding period (at pressure) of three (3) minutes or more.
(d) Pressure control equipment shall not be used (except for testing) at pressures exceeding the rated working pressure.
(e) Each high pressure (over 5,000 psi working pressure rating) lubricator, wireline valve, oil saver and stuffing box shall conform to the following:
- (i) Lubricators shall have at least one (1) bleed valve.
- (ii) Each section of a lubricator shall be marked for identification purposes with a permanent serial number and its maximum rated working pressure. Marking shall be done in a manner that will not reduce the maximum working pressure of the lubricator.
(f) Only equipment suitable for use in a Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) environment should be used on wells that produce H2S in sufficient quantities and at pressures which could be expected to cause hydrogen embrittlement. Refer to NACE standard MR-01-75: Material Requirements for Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Material for Oil Field Guidance for guidance in selecting materials for H2S service. (The standard may be purchased from the National Association of Corrosion Engineers; P. 0. Box 986; Katy, Texas 77450.)
(g) Wireline operations equipment shall not be rigged up on any wellhead if the conductor wireline service company is notified that the surface pressure exceeds or is expected to exceed the maximum rated working pressure of the wellhead and wellhead equipment.
053-7 Wyo. Code R. § 7-2