053-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-2

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 1-2 - Definitions

(a) Acidize - to treat a well by injecting acid under pressure into an underground formation.

(b) Act - the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Act.

(c) Administrator - the Workers' Safety and Compensation Administrator.

(d) ANSI - the American National Standards Institute.

(e) Approved - sanctioned, endorsed, certified, accredited or accepted by a duly constituted and recognized authority or agency.

(f) ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials.

(g) ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

(h) Authorized person - a person approved or assigned by the employer to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location or locations at the job site.

(i) Back off - to unscrew one threaded piece, as a section of pipe, from another which is stuck. Primacord or other explosives may be used to assist back off.

(j) Bleed valve - a manual valve used to release pressure.

(k) Blender - equipment used in fracturing operations which blends fluids with a solid material.

(l) Booster - as used in the perforating industry, is a Class C non-electric detonator used to assure detonate on where a primacord splice or connection is made.

(m) Breakout - to unscrew one section of pipe from another, neither section of which is stuck. (See "back off")

(n) Bureau of Explosives - a division of the American Association of Railroads which is utilized by the U. S. Department of Transportation for classification of explosives.

(o) Cathead - spool-shaped attachment on a winch around which rope is wound for hoisting and pulling.

(p) Cementing - the application of a liquid slurry of cement and water to various points inside or outside the casing. (See "squeeze cementing")

(q) Charged lines - conveying lines under pressure using air, gas, liquids or semi-liquids.

(r) Charged well casing jet perforating gun - (perforating guns, strip guns) - steel tubes or metallic strips into which are inserted shaped charges which may be detonated by primacord.

(s) Chemical cutter - a device which uses propellant explosives in such a manner as to cause a jetting action of an oxidizer which effectively cuts tubing or pipe used in well application.

(t) Combustible liquid - any liquid having a flashpoint at or above 100°F.

(u) Commission - the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Commission.

(v) Competent person - one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are hazardous or dangerous to employees and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them or who can recommend directly to persons in authority that such corrective measures be taken.

(w) Condensate - a light hydrocarbon liquid obtained by condensation of hydrocarbon vapors; used in well services such as fracturing.

(x) Conductor wireline - a hoisting line containing one or more electrical conductors.

(y) Container - as used with flammable or combustible materials is a drum or other container with a capacity not exceeding 60 gallons.

(z) Contractor - any person and/or employer who contracts to do all or any part of a special services operation.

(aa) Dead line anchor - a fixture to which the non-moving end of the hoisting line is attached.

(bb) Defect - any characteristic or condition which tends to weaken or reduce the strength of a tool, object or structure of which it is a part beyond the recognized. operating limitations of the tool, object or structure.

(cc) Department - the Department of Employment.

(dd) Detonating fuse - cord made up with high explosives; may be overspun with tapes, yarns and plastics or waterproofing compounds. (Commonly referred to as "primacord")

(ee) Detonator - (blasting caps) - a device which is used to initiate an explosion.

(ff) Discharge line - an output line from a pump to the well head.

(gg) Drill stem test: (DST) - a method of gathering data on the potential productivity of a formation by permitting the flow of petroleum products back through the drill pipe.

(hh) Employee - a person permitted to work by an employer in employment for wages, salary or commission.

(ii) Employer - any individual or organization which has in its employment one or more individuals performing services for it in employment.

(jj) Employment - all services for pay under a contract for hire.

(kk) Established federal standard - any operative standard established by Public Law 91-596, the Williams- Steiger Act, which applies to all businesses, including the special services industry, in effect on or before the date of promulgation of these rules and regulations.

(ll) Equipment operator - one who is authorized to operate a specific piece of equipment by the employer.

(mm) Flammable liquid - any liquid having a flashpoint below 100°F, except any mixture having components with flashpoints of 100°F or higher, the total of which make up 99 percent or more of the total volume of the liquid.

(nn) Flashpoint - the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor within a test vessel in sufficient concentration to form an ignitible mixture with air near the surface of the liquid.

(oo) Fracturing (Fracing) - a method of stimulating well production by forcing a liquid under pressure into underground formations.

(pp) Guarded - means covered, shielded, fenced, enclosed, or otherwise protected by means of suitable covers or casings, barrier rails safety bars, or screens to eliminate the possibility of accidental contact with, or dangerous approach by, persons or objects.

(qq) Hazard - any occupational condition or circumstance which is likely to cause death, injury or illness.

(rr) Hazardous chemicals (hazardous substances) - a chemical or substance which, by reason of being explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, irritating or otherwise harmful, is likely to cause occupational death, injury or illness.

(ss) High explosive - those explosives which will detonate by use of a blasting cap when unconfined.

(tt) Hot oil operations - the pumping of a hot fluid down a well to remove paraffin. (Hot oiling)

(uu) Igniter - a device intended to electrically initiate low explosive.

(vv) Jet cutter - an explosive device which uses a shaped charge to cut tubing or casing, normally used in well applications.

(ww) Logging tools - transducers and controlling electronics used down hole in well logging.

(xx) Low explosives - explosives which will burn rather than detonate when unconfined.

(yy) Lubricator - an assembly of tubular goods, wire line valve, stuffing box, or other similarly effective equipment designed to confine pressure or prevent release of fluids under pressure while permitting tools to be removed from or put into the well.

(zz) Metal severance tool - An explosive tool or device used to effectively separate or part tubular goods.

(aaa) Moving parts - gears, sprockets, evolving shafts, clutches, belts, pulleys, or other revolving or reciprocating parts that are attached to, or form an integral part of a machine.

(bbb) Mud logging - the recording of information derived from examination and analysis of formation cuttings made by the bit and of mud circulated out of the hole.

(ccc) National consensus standard - any standard which has been adopted and promulgated by any nationally recognized standards producing organization whereby persons interested and affected by the scope or provisions of the standard have reached substantial agreement on its adoption, which was formulated in a manner which afforded an opportunity for diverse views to be considered, and which has been designated as such a standard by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of Labor.

(ddd) Oil well cartridges - individual devices with each containing not more then 350 grains of propellant powder and having net ignition device or element. (Used in perforating and sample taking)

(eee) Perforating gun - see "Charged well casing perforating gun".

(fff) Person - an individual, governmental agency, partnership, corporation, business, trust, receiver, trustee, legal representative or successor to any of the foregoing.

(ggg) Personal fall arrest system - a system used to arrest an employee in a fall from a working level. It consists of an anchorage, connectors, a body harness, and may include a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or suitable combinations of these.

(hhh) Place of employment - plant, premises, or any other place where directed by the employer or about which an employee is permitted to work.

(iii) Pressure relief valve (safety valve; pop off valve) - a valve that opens at a preset pressure to relieve excessive pressure within a vessel or line.

(jjj) Qualified - one who by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience has successfully demonstrated ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work or the project.

(kkk) Reverse out - the pumping of fluids down the annulus and back up the tubular goods in a well.

(lll) Rig up line - wire rope used for material handling.

(mmm) Safety factor - the ratio of the ultimate breaking strength of a member or piece of material or equipment to the actual working stress.

(nnn) Secretary - the Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor. May be referred to as the Assistant Secretary.

(ooo) Shaped charge - a relatively small metal, plastic, paper or other suitable container of high explosives containing no liquid explosive ingredient and with a cavity lined with a rigid material, which is loaded into a perforating gun.

(ppp) Slick line - a single, unstranded steel line without electrical conductors.

(qqq) Spade - a stiff leg used to prevent backward movement of a vehicle. (Back up leg)

(rrr) Special services - any services performed on a well, as herein defined, which involves wireline services, mobile pumping other than production pumping, and includes such services as fracturing, drill stem testing, cementing, logging, hot oiling and treating, acidizing, and those other services which would not be a normal drilling or servicing operation and which are performed by a special services operator or contractor.

(sss) Special services derrick (SSD) - a portable structure used at a well for the purpose of supporting apparatus with which wireline operations are performed.

(ttt) Squeeze cementing - the forcing of cement slurry by pressure to specific points in a well to cause seal at the point of squeeze.

(uuu) Standard - a standard which requires conditions, or the adoption or use of one or more practices, means, methods, operations or processes reasonably necessary or appropriate to provide safe or healthful employment and places of employment in the special services industry.

(vvv) String shot - a random length of primacord generally attached to a device or rod with a means of initiation and is used to assist back off.

(www) Stuffing box (Pack off; Oil saver) - a device which controls pressure or prevents the release of fluids under pressure around the wire-line and is attached to the well head or lubricator, and allows the wireline to move.

(xxx) Suitable - that which fits, and has the qualities or qualifications to meet a given purpose, occasion, condition, function or circumstance.

(yyy) Suitable anchor - capable of supporting at least 5,000 pounds per employee attached or shall be designed, installed, and used as follows:

  • (a) as part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two; and
  • (b) under the supervision of a qualified person.

(zzz) Supervisor - a person who has been given the control, direction and/or supervision of work performed by one or more employees.

(aaaa) Swabbing - a process of raising liquids through tubular goods using a rubber cup attached to a wire rope.

(bbbb) Treating - the process of injecting or adding hot fluids to an oil tank to stimulate the flow of material from the tank.

(cccc) Tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) - a method used to perforate wells with the perforating device(s) attached to tubular goods as opposed to wireline conveyed guns.

(dddd) Tugger - an air or hydraulic operated winch.

(eeee) Tugger line - the wire cable used on a tugger for handling material.

(ffff) Well - a hole in the ground;

  • (a) made or being made by drilling, boring, or in any other manner, and from which liquid or gas is obtained or obtainable, or is for the purpose of attempting to obtain liquid or gas;
  • (b) made or being made by drilling or boring for the purpose of obtaining water to inject to an underground formation;
  • (c) used, drilled or being drilled for the purpose of injecting gas, air, water or ether substance to an underground formation;
  • (d) which is a test hole, excluding seismic drilling; or,
  • (e) drilled or being drilled for any other purpose than listed above and includes geothermal, using equipment and machinery normally used for oil and gas well drilling and servicing.

(gggg) Well, geothermal - wells drilled in areas of relatively high temperature geologic strata to make use of steam and high temperature water for a number of energy saving and energy producing projects.

(hhhh) Wiper, wireline - a device used to wipe or strip excess liquids from the wireline during its ascent.

(iiii) Wireline - see "Conductor wireline" and "Slick line".

(jjjj) Wireline blowout preventer - a valve with rams that seal on wireline; the wireline cannot move when held by the wireline blowout preventer as opposed to a stuffing box, which allows the line to move.

(kkkk) Wireline unit - a vehicle or skid mounted unit used for well logging or other wireline work; usually includes wireline, drum, controls, and instrument cab.

(llll) Working pressure - the maximum pressure that equipment is rated to control under normal operating conditions.

053-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-2