(a) Education and training of employees in the recognition, avoidance and prevention of unsafe conditions in employments covered by these rules and regulations shall be given.
(b) Each employee shall be instructed in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the rules and regulations applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any occupational hazards or other exposure to illness or injury.
(c) Employees required to handle or use poisons, corrosives, and other harmful substances shall be instructed regarding the safe handling and use, and be made aware of the potential hazards, personal hygiene and personal protective measures required.
(d) Employees required to handle or use flammable liquids, gases, or toxic materials shall be instructed in the safe handling and use of these materials and made aware of the specific requirements contained in Subpart G and H and other applicable subparts of the State of Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety 1910 - General Rules and Regulations.
(e) All employees required to enter into confined or enclosed spaces shall be instructed as to the nature of the hazards involved, the necessary precautions to be taken, and in the use of protective and emergency equipment required. The employer shall comply with any specific regulations that apply to work in dangerous or potentially dangerous areas.
(f) All training required by these rules and regulations shall be documented.
053-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-2