051-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-8

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 6-8 - Compensation for Mandatory Brucellosis Testing
(a) Payment for Mandatory Brucellosis Testing shall be made directly to a Wyoming Accredited Veterinarian and/or Approved Livestock Market pursuant to W.S. § 11-19-407(c). The payment shall be made upon submission to the Board of a notarized invoice indicating the number of head tested, the ownership of the animals tested, and the testing location. Invoice forms may be obtained from the offices of the Board.
(b) Payment will only be made for Testable Samples which are received at the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory in properly labeled tubes and with properly completed legible APHIS Brucellosis test charts showing the official identification, vaccination status, age, breed, and gender of each animal represented. The reason for test must be specified on the test chart as "DSA" or "Brucellosis Area of Concern."
(c) Payment for Mandatory Testing shall not require a Herd Plan or Herd Risk Assessment.
(d) The Board shall determine the amount paid for Mandatory Testing on a per head basis and shall review the payment schedule annually.
(i) Mandatory Testing of Test Eligible cattle originating within the Designated Surveillance Area shall be paid at $5.00 per head.
(ii) Mandatory Testing of Designated Surveillance Area origin cattle at Approved Livestock Markets shall be paid at $5.50 per head.
(iii) Approved Livestock Markets where Mandatory Testing of Designated Surveillance Area origin Test Eligible cattle occurs shall be paid $2.00 per head tested at the market if the market supplies labor to move the cattle through the alleys and chutes. If the Wyoming Accredited Veterinarian supplies this labor, the Veterinarian will receive this payment in addition to the $5.50 per head for testing, and the Market will not receive compensation.
(iv) Mandatory Testing for Brucellosis samples collected by Wyoming Custom Slaughter operations on slaughtered cattle shall be paid at $3.50 per head for Testable Samples.
(e) The Wyoming State Veterinarian may, with Board approval, allow payment within statutory limits other than those set by the Board in subsection (d)(i) upon written request describing the extenuating circumstances which support payment in excess of the amount specified in (d)(i), (ii), or (iii).

051-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-8

Adopted, Eff. 11/3/2015.